
My husband doesn't want to sleep with me?

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He says I'm too fat.. He says my b***s are too small. (A cup).. I don't think I'm fat, just not skinny.. He thinks my butt is too big.. What can I do? I want to have kids!!




  1. Get out ASAP and find someone who loves you as you are and have children with them.  If he is already putting you down now, it will only get worse when you are pregnant.  

  2. listen girl!! just kick him off your life ! if u wanna have kids just select some one else who suits u !

    sure you don't wanna have stupid kids like their father ?? !!

    if u want good kids , marry some good person

  3. How come you married this guy?  Do you have a lot of money?  I think you better get another husband.  He probably just wants a free housemaid.  Get real, get out!  

  4. You want to have kids with that man! Dear your b***s might not be small and you might not be fat but you are lacking some intelligence.  

  5. I would leave why do you all stay with men that tell you straight out they don't want you if my husband said something like this to me man it would be on.

  6. divorce...

  7. No woman deserves to be degraded by a man, he doesn't deserve you. You should probably be thankful that you haven't had a baby with this man who makes you feel ugly and worthless as a woman. You don't deserve this, once you allow men to do it once the name calling and disrespecting only gets worse! Put a stop to it !! Get help.

  8. wow, this is a problem... a big one! try to talk with him, if things don`t get better then just move on. someone else will like you and love you for who you are!

  9. that's a s**+ty thing to say.  not be funny, but strictly out of curiosity - how did you manage to be fat and have A-cup boobies???

  10. divorce before it's too late. Have kids with someone that wants you. Dump his *** you'll be satisfied :)

  11. A vibrator wont tell you you're fat.. and it waits until YOURE done.

  12. Why would you want to have kids with this man?  If he doesn't have any problems telling you that you are fat then he wouldn't have any problem degrading your children.  I would think twice about kids with this man.

  13. I keep reading all the responses you're getting from this post and I must say that I'm mortified.  How long have you been married?  Together?  And how old are each of you?  I understand that there is always a "point of no return", but only you can determine if that line's been crossed or not.  I personally don't believe in a disposable marriage.

    I'm turning 37 and am an unfit, unshapely 134 pound size 6 in the same boat.  My hubby (Married 13 of the 21 years we've been together) is making me feel the same way.  He's now accepting a simple "peaceful coexistence" between us and nothing more.  Simply put, we're house mates now.  Don't know what to tell you, but I'm fighting for a complete marriage.

    I know I don't sound so big and that he's being shallow and selfish, but he's a fitness buff and is "turned off" because I'm not.  Not that he wants me to be like him - he wants to see me take better care of myself and make myself a priority...  for me, not for him.  Could your hubby be feeling something similar?

    Email me and we can chat privately if you'd like.

  14. Your husband sounds rude and disrespectful - why would you want to sleep with him anyways?

  15. he sounds like a jerk and you want to have his child because...?  

  16. d**n, what the h**l did he marry you for then?  What a jerk!  I would divorce that ****** before you make the mistake of having kids with him.  Last thing you want is a bunch of little ****** midgets running around.  Dump that loser.  

  17. If he treats you like this you really need to decide if he's a man that is worth staying with especially if he won't touch you.

  18. um. if i were you id think twice about having kids w/ him anyway. sounds like youll be on here in 5 years w/ two kids talking bout divorce cause your man doesnt like you.

    whats with guys and this ideal perfection they have? im sorry.  My mans gotta love every bit of me or not love me at all.

    he sounds like a complete a$$

  19. I wouldn't want to sleep with someone who found every part of my body a flaw. That's just downright disrespectful and didn't he marry you knowing you had a little meat on your bones and supposedly small b***s? I wouldn't be with someone who couldn't accept the way I was and I wouldn't even open my legs to someone who disrespects and insults me. You can have kids with anyone, but don't have kids with this jerk.

  20. see a marriage counselor.

  21. have kids with another guy and then see what he says

  22. leave him. he sounds like a mentally-abusive jerk! what kind of husband doesn't want to sleep w/ you because he THINKS you are fat. Also, your b***s most likely haven't shrunk since you got married so he knew what size they were before marrying you. I would be more afraid of having a baby w/ this azz and what he would say about your body then!! Run and find someone who will treat you better, i said!

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