
My husband doesn't want us to move out of his mom's house. What should I do?

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We've been living with her for 2 years because we couldn't afford living somewhere else. But know we can, and he still doesn't want to move out. I'm tired of living with his mom, who is a very controlling person and does not encourage him to move out because she wants us to live with her so she can tell us what to do and how to raise our daughter.




  1. I think that this could escalate into bigger problems if you two don't move out.  apparently, the guy is still clinging to his mom's apron strings.  if so, why did he bother getting married?

    You could suggest couples counseling to him... let him know that you'd like to rationally and maturely resolve this issue and come to some agreement.   And also learn how to communicate better... maybe it would help?

    take care.  that's the best answer i could come up with.  this is a tough one, hon.  but i hope you get some helpful answers here.

  2. You should set a time limit and tell your husband you want to move out by that date.  It was nice of her to let you live there but if you stay any longer it will ruin your marriage.  So start looking even if you have to do it on your own.  I would bet your husband will join you in the looking and even enjoy himself.  If not..tell him you want to go to a marriage counselor..take a copy of this question and show it to him/'her and I can assure you they will tell him you are absolutely correct in wanting a place of your own..Remember you catch more bees with honey..which means start out being sympathetic but very firm about your desire to move.  Good Luck..!!!

  3. Honey you are a grown woman with a child and you already know this, and you know that one needs his and her space to raise a child. Living with your stepmother is not a very good idea. You needs to give him an ultimatum as to finding a nice place for you and him to raise your child correctly and to your wishes. If he does not wish to leave his mom, then you must take the right steps yourself honey child. If not then things can only get worse with time and maybe your relationship with him could and will end. He needs to grow up and be a very real man and show that he is and will be responsible for you and your child. If he gets mad at the idea that you even brought it up, then get out of there and stay at your mom's until you can yourself find a nice apartment or home for you and your child. Be an independent woman honey and you will see that you can succeed in raising the child.

  4. Your married to a "boy"  not a man.

    I'd be giving ultimatums.  Either her comes with you  or you and that baby are going without him.

  5. i had to move on with my life because my in-laws would move in with us time and time again and they said that i would leave before them even after 8 years of marriage and it was my own house. my wife supported that idea i could not continue to live like that. (good luck)

  6. Wow, i feel for you... Obviously your husband doesn't want to take on the role of being a husband. He still wants to be taken care of and doesn't want the responsibility of taking care of you and your daughter. Sit him down and tell him that you desperately want to move out. Yes, you appreciate all that his mother have done for the both of you but it's time for you guys to move out and start living together as a family. He is a husband and father, he needs to grew up and be a man. He cannot let his mother continue taking care of him when he is capable of taking care of himself. Make it absolutely clear that you want to move and show him several options of places affordable that they both of you can live. Also look into daycare if you work and if you don't than look for a part-time job or stay at home jobs so that he will not feel overwhelmed with bills. GIVE HIM A DEADLINE AND IF HE DOESN'T DECIDE TO MOVE BY THE DEADLINE, YOU WILL TAKE THE BABY AND LEAVE.  

  7. Your husband needs to grow up. He has a family to take care now. Tell him its ok to leave your Mommy. Sorry to be so bolt but he needs to grow some balls and be a man take care of his family. Now your mother in law cannot control you tell her i am not your child do not tell me how to raise my daughter. Overall move out before she ruins your life. Or you move out with your daughter and your husband can stay and take care of his Mommy.

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