
My husband doesnt want our children?

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doctors told me i wont be able to conceive, then by a miracle i fell pregnant with husband said he is not used to them, it'll take him a while. his 4yr old daughter, from a previous relationship, is all he ever wanted. he told me that in so many words. my babies are 1 week short of being 6 months old.i dont know how to handle this




  1. What a great blessing fro God.  Congratulations!  But, babies are a hard adjustment for dads too - he's probably feeling left out and a little jealous of the babies.  I can't even imagine how hard it must be taking care of twins.  It's so hard, but just try and give you husband lots of attention and love - hopefully he comes around. I'm sorry - I'm sure it's so hard for you!  Twins and husband issues!!!  Good Luck!

  2. God. I don;t know.... what makes a man not fall in love with his own child?

    Talk to a psych about what this means. Maybe there is something he isn't telling you, that;s not normal.

  3. Go to a marriage counselor.

  4. Fathers grow into their children. Babies are boring. Give him time.

  5. Your so lucky to be having twins after you got told that and the man who "loves" you should be happy to.

    it must be horrible to hear you cont have kids then so pleaseing to find out you fell pregnent.

    i think this mans priorities lie some where else and not with you and the baby.

    Fair enuf he wants time to get used to being a father again but six mounths is a long enough time to bond with your new born children.

    I think he may say he loves you but deep deep down you probley will drift apart in the futher because i imagine your children mean more to you than anything else .

    There are more people out there that would love you and your babys go find some one better for you :)

    Good luck

    sarah x

  6. I'm sure hes just overwhlemed thinking he can't have anymore children then all of a sudden having 2 more, Don't stress it he has to love his children

  7. Hopefully he is just overwhelmed and his paternal instincts will eventually kick in.

    I pray that is the case.

  8. counseling

  9. this doesn't sound fair. He needs counseling.

  10. you need to tell him how much you want this.

    maybe he'll realise how important it is to you.


  11. Tell your husband to grow up/

  12. Quote : unfortunately, my husband is still struggling to share that feeling. when i gave birth i was alone. when i was pregnant i couldnt share with him when they kicked, etc. end quote.

    Now it is time you become a responsible mother to those babies stop trying to make a happy family with a man who has no idea what family mean's nor does he want it , I am not trying to judge but have heard so many women claim dr's telling them they cant have kids and magically wham they have a baby but twins? wow ...You were fully aware of his wishes and wants BEFORE those twin's arrived and now you have condemned to a life with possibly no biological father because he feels you trapped him.

    Got family ? friends ? get out leave this loser and put those twin's happiness , safety , health and well being 1st instead of putting what you think you need 1st , you brought them into this nightmare they didnt ask for it now get them out of it for pete's sake .

    I can not believe all the replier's above me have told you father's fall in love with their kid's and that all parents love their kids honestly take it from someone who lives it every day with 1 of her children , you can NOT force him to love or want those babies no amount of talking is going to change his feeling's I'm sorry but you know this as well as I do because you knew the game before you made your 1st move now just do the right thing and get those kid's out of there if he chooses to see them after that then great if not then leave him out because ultimately in the end the children will hate you and be angry at you not him ask me I have a 13 year old son suffering neglect from his dad I am not speaking from some dream fantasy land like the other answer's.

  13. He is saying it will take a while to get used to them, not that he doesn't want them.  

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