I have always had my kids(9 and 4) wear helmets when they ride a bike or scooter. They just do it as a routine, and only rarely complain about it. The helmets (and knee pads for 4 yr old) are stored right next to bikes and scooters. My husband always suggests that helmets are for sissies. And, at the most they are needed only if the kids are riding the bike on a city street.
so, yesterday evening I go out for back-to-school shopping. I come back, and see my kids (one on bike, one on scooter) have no helmets on. I asked them why. Turns out, the older one wanted dad to loosen the helmet strap a bit, and the younger one just needed help fastening the buckle. My husband actually told them to put back the helmets on the shelf, and go ride without them on the sidewalks.
our street has uneven sidewalks, big trees, and cars backing out of driveways, and sometimes the kid ride in the street to avoid sprinklers.
I was really mad. I called both my kids to me. Knelt down next to them, and told them "never ever ride without a helmet. Not even if any grownup tells you it is OK to do so. Always ride with a helmet or play with something else".
My husband is very angry that I questioned his decision in front of the kids. I told him "We have had this discussion so many times, and this is one area of parenting where my decision applies. I have trained the kids to wear helmets always, and they follow this rule happily. All you have to do is help them with helmet if needed. I have no other option but to tell them that they are to wear helmets even if you say it is OK not to'.
I don't know what else I can do other than tell my kids to insist on helmets even if dad says to not wear them. other than this issue, we are very good in backing up each other as parents.
is it too much to expect my husband to support me in this? especially, since I have taught my kids to always wear helmets. why does he go and actually discourage them from wearing them when I'm not around?