
My husband got an 17 yr old girl pregnant, what do you think i should do. I really love him?

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My husband got an 17 yr old girl pregnant, what do you think i should do. I really love him?




  1. if he truly loved you he wouldnt cheat on you and he would actually think how bad it would hurt you before he cheated

  2. you really love him you say so you will probably end up forgiving him and helping him to pay the child support

    dont get used hun

  3. Take him To Maury Povich and prove that he's the Father!

  4. If it was me I would leave him, it is up to you if you want to get treated like a doormat regardless if you love him or not...

  5. FIRSTreport his a$$  & tell her parents, and then call a  Lawyer b/c unless you are insane its divorce time...

  6. divorece am i ugly

  7. In my opinion , there isn't much you can do . Besides , whats done is done. If you claim you love him so much as you do. All you can do is stand aside and  salvage the marriage he has even in infidelity. Ashamed  thou , as much as I can see you write that you love him . You should as him if he loves you . See , he broke a vow when he had a fling with a minor and got her pregnant. If you are willing to stay with him regardless, my suggestion is to get counseling or try to communicate .If he does these things out of wedlock , what makes you think he can still be faithful? Honestly , I would believe its devastating enough -he has someone els pregnant. But can you really stay in a relationship knowing he is to share with someone els? Especially know that a child is involved. I really hope for your sake , he changes .Do whats right in your heart .

    Good luck.  

  8. Depending on local laws, he may need to marry a minor to keep from going to jail for statutory rape.  

    He WILL cheat again.

    He WILL NOT change.

    You put a question mark after typing that you love him.  Are you afraid of him?  Are you dependent on him?  

    There are many places that can help you leave.

    Look in the telephone book for local non-profit, religious, and government agencies.

    Here are some articles for you to read.

  9. It is one thing to step outside of the marriage and betray the person that you married and devoted your life to.  It is really a hard pill for you to swallow by him cheating but to find out he has not only cheated but is expecting a child outside of your marriage with a 17 year old is a bit too much.  If he is over 21 you know what that means and although you love him will you be able to live with this for the duration of this un-born childs life until they are 18 or older.  If you love him then stick by him because the worst is yet to come.  Good luck.  

  10. He got her pregnant and you were still together? LEAVE HIM! Don't hang around and be another girl that will regret styaing with him. I hope things get better for you!! =)

  11. go on the jerry springer show.

    and get some help


  12. tell the police and file for an divorce

  13. I hate to say this... because it is painful, but divorce him, sweetheart.  

  14. Leave him. He's has no respect for you.

  15. If your asking you must not plan on leaving so deal with it and give her that chump change that they get for child support h**l struggling trying to support herself and that kid off that and a piece of job will be pay back alone.  

  16. The first thing I think you should do is get into marriage counseling.  Its important to discover why this happened and if there is a relationship left after this betrayal.  If he won't go with you, that says something about his level of commitment to your marriage.  Best of luck--this is a very difficult situation.

  17. He obviously does NOT really love you! Why devote yourself and your emotions to a man that is not devoted to you?

    And in God's eyes, you are not obligated to stay after infidelity, but it is your choice. If he cheated once, chances are he will cheat again. Especially if it was with someone underage. He really has no regard for his life, yours or your life together!

  18. Sounds to me that your husband already knew what to do ...if he wanted to leave the relationship. And I guess that is what he did. If I were you I wold go find a GREAT divorce lawyer take all the information  you have and file.  

  19. Wow... lol... divorce.

  20. Do you think you're going to love all that child support he's going to have to pay from his paycheck for the next 18 to 21 years?   If so, by all means, keep loving him and the next time he gets someone else pregnant, you can get a job and help him pay child support for his and her kid.  I'm sure you'll love doing that and your kids won't mind doing without things to support your husband's other kids.

  21. accept what had happen and disuss him may be some thing wrong on you that erge him to do that

  22. just say please stop tell him to bug off

  23. NUMBER 1: if this man got a 17 year old girl pregnant.. unless he is 18, there is a big problem

    NUMBER 2: He is unfaithful and no matter how much you love him.. you deserve someone who wont cheat on you.

    NUMBER 3: Unless you have children with this man.. I would leave him :(

  24. Bounce idot. Get him locked up. You are not smart at all if you are trying to stay with him. OMG this is a horrible question.

  25. First off, this most really be hard for you....but there are alot of factors you need to consider. If he is regretful and sorry and wants to stay in the marriage, and you really love him like you say, then seek counseling to get over what made the husband cheat and also the counseling is good for you because it will help you to forgive and be at peace with yourself. Now we are talking about a new baby on the way which will cause a lot of issue, first please pray your husband won't have trouble with the law because the girl is a minor and her parents can consider this matter statutory rape. Second your husband will have to now consider caring for this child which includes you, if the young girl is unfit you guys can go to court for the baby altogether or you both make arrangements for child support, this of course all depends on weather we are talking about someone who is fit to have a child or able to keep a child. all of these angles you can make all depends on where you and your husband stands in this marriage and that's why seeking counsel is the best way.

  26. Ask her to move in with you two.  Think of the 3somes!

  27. What should you do???  I'd be filing for divorce RIGHT NOW.

  28. Get tested for diseases. Seek help for yourself and ask them why you would settle for such behavior?

  29. How old is your husband?  Probably at least a separation would be smart.  You need to really sit down and think with your head (instead of with your heart) about what you really want to do for yourself and your future.  You may love him with all your heart, but obviously he doesn't you.  Don't play his fool.  

  30. Visit him in jail after he is convicted of statutory rape.

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