
My husband got another woman pregnant 3 years ago (while i was pregant and we were married)..

by  |  earlier

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and she is just now coming after him for child support...He called the court and told them that he doesnt need to take the paternity test because he took one 3 years ago and knew about the child...anyways so now he is going to sign some papers and give his check stub so they can start taking whatever money out so he doesnt have to deal with the chick or the child. We have two small kids and he is also paying on another child.... Is the other chick going to have any of his info given to her? She is going to get money for the child so does everything end there???




  1. have him sign his rights away on this other child and he will not have to pay her the support "does he even get to see this child at all?"

  2. darling i feel so sad about this situation because its not even your fault that your husband is such an a-s-s hole.I would leave him and find a better man to love me because if he did that to you, imagine how many other women there may be that are pregnant or have his kids. I'd leave him. I'm sure you're a good mother and you deserve so much better than that as s hole.

  3. His money will go to the child's mom since the child is a minor. You have no control over what she spends it on.

    I'm sorry you're with someone who has such blatant disrespect for you.

  4. Pretty much. If he dosent want anything to do with the child or the mother then why dosent he sign over his parental rights? No momma, no baby, no child support payments.

  5. why would you want to be with someone that chooses to not have nething to do with something they created. That child needs a father. this is a really sad story. i feel sorry for that kid he made.

    and to answer your question  i think he would have to sign his rights over as a father. but im not sure. Im sure the mother only wants his money any ways so She wont really bug for anything else

  6. i feel so bad for you my best advice would be to leave him for a better guy whos not like that

  7. i would say, you should have s*x with this man and fulfil his manfully right to want to impregnate a woman again. he is wanting to have s*x. and you should fulfil his wanting to c-um inside woman, when your horny you will f*ck any girl. especially if your drunk like i am. but i dont care if u give my comment a thumbs down.

  8. Wait.  You are still with him?  Girl what is wrong with you! You should have left him the minute you found out.  As for your question I have no idea.  Your husband will have to ask the child support agency about that.  But seriously, I think you should ditch this guy.

  9. WHY are you with this loser? He got HER PREGNANT. He should HAVE to pay. You need to leave him for the kid's sake and get a REAL man who respects women and people in general. I wouldn't have ever even considerd staying with someone like that...That's just too far. No offence but you are a complete idiot if you stay with him...

    OMG YOU ARE A SELFISH ****! YOU dont want HIS RIGHTFULLY MADE KIDS to be around thier brothers/sisters or father?!?!?! Burn in h**l *****! I hope he leaves u and your kids and then YOU can feel how it is! Of coarse apparently ur dumb and desperate enough to take him back after he cheats on ur ***.....good luck with that....

  10. They will take money out of his check and give her so you guys wont have to deal with her which is good. But they will take back child support too for the past 3 years which is gonna be hard on you because thats more money out of his pocket.  But at least you guys wont have to deal with her but he should see the child every child has the right to know its father thats really sad. He should get fixed!

    Good Luck to you!

  11. Absolutely. The court can take the money, or he can set it up to be directly deposited into an account of hers or something, and that should *mostly* be the end of it.

    Unfortunately, she might contact him if something happens, or if she moves or something like that.

    You guys can take a strong stance here. You can simply require her to do EVERYTHING through the court system so you guys NEVER have to talk to her. That would be my recommendation.

    She might be annoyed about that, but that's just too bad.

    Ignore these other people, you make the choices you think are best for yourself, your children, and your family. That is your right as a Mommy, a wife, and a woman (clearly) in love. Good for you. Stand strong and do right by your family and don't let anyone judge you. We all have to make difficult decisions in our lives.

    I hope the best for you and your family!

  12. My advice would be to get on Jerry Springer!

  13. He will have to pay back child support as well. Also probably be responsible for providing medical insurance. This is a sad situation. That is his child and he should be involved with it. Why would you want to be with a man who has nothing to do with his own child. i get the situation and it sucks, but you chose to forgive him and still be with him. This child didn't ask for any of this. The child is innocent and for any of you to deem it easier to not be apart of the child , is selfish and shameful. One day both of you will face the question "why"?

  14. Does your husband get to see this child or doesn't he even want to if he doesn't then why pay anything just give up his rights...sounds good to me or get another husband that won't put you through this. you have children to let's think about them.  good luck

  15. If he's going through the courts, she will. But why wouldn't he want to have anything to do with the child?  And why wouldn't you want your children to have anything to do with their sibling? Just asking.. What if the tables were turned, how would you feel if you were the other woman with the child that no one wants to have anything to do with?

    It sounds like you and your husband make a  great selfish team.

    Do you wonder why he's still making babies on you? I hope not.  Honestly, I hope she drains him dry.  If you Make kids, Raise them.

  16. well that good he is taking care of his child, but if the child wants to be apart of your husband life, I think it should be consider because he or she didn't ask to me here, and it good that yall work things with the marriage.

  17. She will know where he works, but other than that she won't have your info. Why does he not want anything to do with the child if she is biologically his. That child didn't do anything wrong, and deserves a stable parent in her life. At least he will be helping the mother out financially finally. Good luck!

  18. Yes thats that. He will have money taken money out of his paycheck every month. And if he switches jobs then they will serch him threw his social securtity number and start taking money out again. But he does not have anything to do with her or the child anymore, unless something happens to her. Then that child would be placed into his custody. But she can take him to court and try to make him take the child hafe the time. But he can deny her request. SO good luck with this. Bye.

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