
My husband had cancer 5 years ago-he had chemo and radiotherapy-what r the chances he is still fertile??

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he didnt freeze his sperm as he didnt think he would need to-his gfriend of the time was older with kids

im 21 and scared ill never have kids to him




  1. Just one suggestion: Consult Doctor for this, though you have added that he is cancer free as of now hence you need not to be bothered about this.

    I am sure you can bear as many children as you want from your husband :)

  2. Depends on tumor and chemotherapy. Using testicular cancer as an example (which is a good guess for your husband given his likely age), infertility risk after chemotherapy alone is ~30%; does go higher with radiation. Risk of infertility is less the younger the patient in general as well.

    Given the good prognosis of many cancers that strike younger people (again don't know exactly how old your husband is), above remarks about "might die before you are 30" are insensitive and likely incorrect.

    You can easily begin evaluation of his fertility by seeing a urologist and having a sperm count performed.

    God bless, best wishes; take heart- even if he is infertile, adoption is a beautiful alternative.

  3. It's doubtful that Chemo alone will cause infertility, but, radiation on reproductive organs would, in most cases, cause infertility. No one can say with certainty that radiation will, 100% if the time, cause infertility .. because there are cases where it didn't. In order to cause sterility, radiation has to be directed at the reproductive organs. Wishin' your hubby well. :)

  4. this is prob gonna sound mean im not meaning it to (and i never say that cuz i actually feel bad saying somethign mean this time) however u should have known the situation u got urself into the guy has cancer (he will die before u prob even hit 30 ur SO young) the thought of having kids that may not have a father is another problem. he is prob not fertile, & if he is ur children may get it too someday. im not saying ppl w/ cancer dont deserve love, just that u shoulda seen it coming

  5. Life is an awful game. If he was stated fertile the chances are very small but you should still go and see if you can remember as long as there is a 1% chance theres a chance but if it dosent happen its not the end of the world you can adopt and many other things you can do Life is always cruel and unfair but it can always be the most magical thing :D


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