
My husband has a serious flu...?

by  |  earlier

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the runs and puking. What do I need to watch for? Like at what point does he need a doctor? or what signs mean that its more serious than a flu?




  1. If its been over 24 hours and he can't even keep liquids down, then he needs to see a doctor. He can become dehydrated.

  2. Flu is a viral illness that causes upper respiratory symptoms and seen in the fall & winter months.  your hubby has food poisoning, gastroenteritis, or many other things.  give him lotsa fluids, skip food till his symptoms resolve, and try Immodium.  have him wash his hands well, scrub the house, and put him to bed.  he can follow up with the doctor.

  3. take him to the e.r. he is severely dehydrated. His blood pressure is dropping and he probably needs antibiotic and salt solution. He may go into cardiac arrest if they can't find his hearbeat due to dehydration

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