
My husband has been accused of being a racist?

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Sunday morning at 7am, our neighbours doef doef music woke us up. We live in a complex, so our houses are very close to each other so the noise travels quickly. Hubby went to ask him to turn the music down and they guy turned around and said he is a racist???? My husband just shook his head and ignored him but I am so cross I would like to ask him how he got that huge chip on his shoulder. What should we do?




  1. Unfortunately some things are better left unsaid in this case anyway. You never know what will happen if you confront them. I know it's unfair and disrespectful for him to say that to your hubby but be the better person and walk away from this one.

  2. The race card, how original. You know I get so fed up of racism being used as a weapon by people of whatever colour. The instant you tell someone something they don't necessarily want to hear but may need to then you are a racist... I used to get this in Cape Town when I was working in the restaurant. People woudl come in and run up R150 bills and then say they would come back the next day to pay...tja, and when I insisted they pay it would become a race incident.

  3. it is sadly something that people like to use against others when they want there own way. i called someone at school a sh*tbrick when i was like...13....and they told me i was racist because sh*t is brown and they were afro-caribbean? I told him that i would call anybody the same name, and that was because he was being an idiot, nothing to do with the colour of his skin. essentially i think you could say the same thing to your neighbour

    'how dare you accuse us of being racist. i do not care if you were white, yellow or purple with green spots, you played music unacceptably loud at an unacceptable time and that is all this is about. SORT IT OUT!'

  4. Some people always have to pull the "racist" card...your neighbor is being ridiculous.  And childish.  He's too much of an idiot to reason with.  The term racists is too loosely used these days anyway.

  5. it doesn't sounds true to me... it sounds like a "made up" story otherwise the guy with lound music is jerk.. if it was me, i will open a case for him being racist.... racists always flip a race card first.

  6. thats just rude  .. but yeah call the coppers check up on ur rights and what they can do for you

  7. It takes one to know one, just leave it be..................die ligte is aan maar daar is niemand by die huis nie

  8. Let it go like it your husband. Sticks and stones. If your neighbours continue with the loud noise, simply contact the appropriate authorities so they can deal with it. There are always people out there who are difficult and inconsiderate and who are very quick to call others racist for silly reasons. Don't waste your time and your energy with them. Let it go and move on.

  9. People will always play the race card no matter what. You can go to the race relations institute and ask them to direct you further should you wish to lay a charge. However, best would be to just ignore them. Report it to your home owners assoc.

  10. Sue him for slander

  11. In my opinion there is more to the story, you husband probably said something more, stop trying to act like the innocent victim here.

  12. Sometimes when a person is called a racist it is most likely that the person who is calling names do not know how to answer and try to end the confrontation or conversation in the most deplorable manner.

    There is no excuse for an  ill mannered person.

    Complain and follow the correct procedure.

  13. Well check this link out, let him go and make a complaint at the equality court. I am so sick that everything always boils down to race in this country!!

  14. That is all these munts are good for, making a nuisance of themselves and behaving with no regard for anyone else around them only to then labell those pointing out their primitiveness as "racists".

    There's unfortunately not much you can do about it, let your husband go back the next time he makes a noise and tell the primitive ape that in fact it is he who is the racist as pointing out the fact that he is being an inconsiderate neighbour and racism have absolutely nothing to do with one another so why is he jumping to such ridiculous assertions other than to conceal his own obvious racism?

    Also phone your sectional title management and ensure that the trustees have him fined on his monthly levies, our trustees fine up to R1000 for every reported noise disturbance (Pretor), try and get as many neighbours as possible to complain as that will support the cause.

  15. You could file a complaint about the noise with the police.  I wouldn't make this a personal vendetta, as I don't think that would resolve anything.

  16. call the police as a anomonous caller and tell them that you suspect that it is a crack house. Cause they party all night  with loud music that wakes up the neighbors.

  17. Hello

              Contact either your local Police Force/Local Authority and find out who deals with noise nuisance.

    regards Fat Man

  18. Shows you the mentality. Fecking munt. Nice to use that word again - Nice one, Bull!

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