
My husband has been offered a job of $100,000 in dubai.What kind of lifestyle will this money buy us?

by  |  earlier

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just to clarify..its USD...




  1. Let's put it this way, our rent alone is $40k for a two bed apartment with no view, but a great location.  Yea, you could find cheaper accommodation.  This really all depends on what your life style is now.  If your used to only $40k, then your life style would be better, but if you were on say $75k then it would be about the same.  Check out how much you can spend on rent, then make your decision.

  2. Actually Dubai can be pretty expensive. Housing in particular is very expensive in Dubai because it is in such high demand.  Expect to spend $3000+ per month for a decent place.   Find out if there is also a housing stipend in addition to his $100k offer.  If not, it is probably not worth it.

    Also, remember that there is no tax now, but they are implementing a VAT in early 2009.  (aka sales tax).  I am not sure what the rate will be.

    Where are you from?  The US?  I have heard from friends there that a good rule of thumb is to target 2-3x your US salary in the UAE (i.e. if you are making $50k in the US, a multinational firm will offer you in the neighborhood of $125k (500k in Dirham) in the UAE).  Most of the US expats I know who are living in Dubai are earning at least $300k (1.1 million dirham) per year.

    Finally, if you are from the US, remember that you will still have to pay US taxes on earnings above $85,000.

  3. A great lifestyle...go for it!!!!


    3rd most expensive place in the world to buy a Big Mac- it is equivalent to $2.72.

    14th most expensive city to rent accommodation out of 92 surveyed.

    On this site, you are supposed to take the amount shown and divide by 4 to get the equivalent in American dollars.

    1 bdrm apartment annually= $25,000

    Pint of beer= $7.50

    It really doesn't seem that bad when you campare it to american money- but it is supposed to be a very expensive place to live.  $100,000 in american money is equal to $367,000 in Dubai money.

  5. Comfortable as long as you don't mind being treated as a second class citizen (being female).

  6. That is at the low end of the salary range there.  Just for fun, look up some hotel room rates so you get an idea of how expensive things are there, especially with today's exchange rate.

  7. Dont mind what others say its a great income, my husband earns the same working in dubaiand we live  in a two floor five bedroom house and own four cars and have three nannies.

    U ll have a great lifestyle and the prices you see are double their real prices there are lots of ways to get what you want at a lower price. Believe me you might never want to go back to the US.

  8. No tax, and nice beaches!

  9. 100k in Us dollars ?

    You're gonna have to check the rate of exchange

  10. Pretty good. Dubai has no tax (income, sales). Of course things are a bit more expensive there because everything is imported, but gas is really cheap.

    I would think it'll at least buy you what it can buy you in NY, assuming you drive in NY.

    Wouldn't look at it so much as a step up as a step sideways. I used to work in NY as well, now I work in Singapore. I figure for the next 10 years or so lets travel the world and getting paid while doing it (apart from being a travelogue compiler) is neat.

    I was also considering Dubai but I finally didn't because

    (i) you don't get pepperoni or rather its 100% beef, no pork

    (ii) I guess I'm a little xenophobic when it come countried. I mean Dubai is supposed to be cool and all that, but you never know

    Paywise though, especially if you're into finance, its a good place to be.

  11. Jimmmm gave you the exact answer. You do not have to worry about the rate. The Dhs is pegged to the USD and the rate stays the same all the time.

    The most important thing for you is to find out what your accomodation will cost (if not provided). Then you have to go from there. How much does your husband make now and how much will be deducted for expenses like rent (if any), food, clothes going out etc.

    In case you have to pay the rent in Dubai out of your own pocket it may be much more than what you pay in the US.

    Food may be cheaper, depending where you buy what. Local food is cheap, imported Western food is kinda expensive (import costs). Gas and utilities over here are much more cheaper compared to what you have to pay in the US.

    IF Vat ever will interdruced, it will be between 3% and 5% (heard different versions). In this case it's time to negotiate a new salary package.

    Most Americans receiving a salary within this range will receive a housing and furniture allowance, sometimes phone and school fees, a yearly trip back home and transportation also will be provided. All these benefits on top of the salary.

    Anyway, the most important issue is the rent. Otherwise you will be good and will enjoy a lifestyle compared to the West. Just in humid and hot weather:)).

    Please check out the tax law of your state if you have to pay tax in the states while making here USD 100K taxfree.

    Take care.

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