
My husband has cheated on me and i had the devil in my life.?

by  |  earlier

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I had a double aneurysm a year and a half ago. A preacher that was at the hospital came and prayed for me. I woke up 5 days later. A year ago me and my husband starting going to his church. We were really involved in church then my husband quit going with me and then i stopped going because he was going over to a girls house that he was doing a remodeing for. I prayed every day for him to stop going to her house be he kept going. i prayed and my family prayed about it. This whole time i was not going to church. Finally in January,2008 her husband caught her that she was having s*x with my husband. Later, her told me that he was having an affair. She was a wiccan worshiper and told him that she was a witch. I believe she was a witch too. Is there anyway that you get into church and the devil comes into your life bringing God out of your life with a witch taking away your husband from you? Should I go talk to my pastor about all of this in my life. I really would like to know




  1. When your a non believer satan has nothing to lose. When your a believer satan has allot to gain. If a person is strong in faith, satan will attack that person and lead them down the road of destruction. He did very well in your case. Not only by choice of your husband and yourself you quit going to church. Chalk one up for the devil. But with that your husbands faith was attacked to which he led himself to an affair. I say your husband did, each one of us has those choices to go right or wrong. If opportunity presents itself we are human and will have to make that decision. As far as the other women being a witch I do not believe that has much to do with it. There are very strong believers in God that stray down that road. Its all in self and faith that will help us through this journey.

  2. Uhhhh. . . you need to rearrange your thought process.  

  3. i think you should come make love to me to get back at him.just kidding. i think you should have a affair with her to get back at him.

  4. Honestly, if you were my best girlfriend and told me that story, I would suggest a counselor and meds.

  5. This is a troll.  She has posted this same question three times now, and on both previous occasions she has refused to even choose a best answer, suggesting she's not even reading responses...she's just looking for a place to vent or lie, depending whether the tale is even true.

  6. your religion has no effect on your cheating. Your praying had no effect on his cheating

    it would have been more effective to flatten his tires

  7. ok witches...devils...your a little too dramatic, he cheated on you with another woman and the best he can come up with is that she said he was a witch, divorce his ***, he making you sound and look more crazy than the other woman

  8. talk to your pastor. the devil hates nothing more than to see a good christian having a good life lead by God. the devil will do anything he can to get into our lives and ruin it, sadly, your husband was the one he moved in on...I dont believe any of this came about simply because you stopped going to the church. talk to your pastor though, he can help you through this tough time and through God, fix your marriage!  

  9. You don't have the devil in your life, you have an unfaithful husband.  I know Wicca and they have a rule (rede) that says,

    "Do what you will as well as you harm none."  That would cover carrying on with someone else's husband.  I think your husband is looking for an excuse for his bad judgment so let's blame the witch?

    Everyone deals with suffering, grief in different ways,  John Edwards case in point - his wife is being treated for cancer and he has a fling.  The devil can't make anyone do what they wouldn't do all by themselves.  

    You and your husband need to talk with your pastor on how you can heal your marriage.  You need to talk with your husband, without his witch bullsh*t excuse, about what happened and what you both need to do to heal your relationship.  Good Luck!  

  10. What year is this? Please help me here... Is this for real? ok well i say stop praying and TAKE ACTION. if there is a god do you know how many people are asking him for little stuff all the time. IDK what ever

    Take action and communicated with your husband, god is not going to tell him how you feel. Only you can. Speak to your husband and if he is a jerk, take the action to leave him.  

  11. medical problems, witches, church, remodeling....all these things are clouding your sense of reason.

    Your husband doen't love you, he cheated on you, and he;ll do it again.

    Get rid of him.

  12. this has more to do with you than anything else. who do you see yourself in this picture? men and women stray that does not mean that they really want things to change for them. but the choice is yours alone. do you desire to continue with this relationship if you think you do then you need to talk to some on (pastor) and get some help( marriage councilor, whatever) if he wants out let him go cause he is already gone. tmm

  13. Yes, go talk to your pastor. Most ministers are great counselors. You need to talk to someone to sort out your thoughts and feelings. Betrayal is a hard one to get over.

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