
My husband has fallen out of love?

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my husband of nearly 7 years has suddenly told me that he doesnt want to be with me anymore. a few weeks ago everything was fine between us and i thought we were so in love. he is not cheating either. we have two kids and he is my world. he doesnt even seem upset about this. i think he would leave today if he knew how to break it to the kids (12 & 5). he almost completely ignores me all of the sudden, wont barely look at me or talk to me, does not want any physical contact what-so-ever. help me!!! this is killing me. what do i do when i cant live without him???




  1. Are you sure he doesn't have a younger girlfriend?

  2. Ever heard of the 7 year itch? It's a metaphor of sorts that people use when comparing times when marriages and LTR's are at their most vulnerable state. Then again, it could be mid life crisis. Something is making him feel this way. There's more to this whole shut out thing than meets the eye. Have you tried talking to him, finding out what his worries, fears and confusion are about. Instead of going at him in a demanding and demeaning way, try talking to him in a patient and understanding way and let him do the talking, just listen.You can't work on fixing something if you don't know where its broken. And you cant find the break if you aren't patient. Approach this situation with caution in a calm and concerned way and let him know that you are willing to make changes if there is something wrong on your part. Good luck to you and your family.

  3. Ask him why! he may be cheating and feel bad. or he may find himself wanting to be single again for whatever reasons. maybe you did something that he can't handle.

  4. sorry it sounds like he has another woman in his life...

  5. i feel really sorry for you. i can only imagine how crushed you must be feeling.... my heart goes out to you.

    you CAN live without him. but you must have closure, which means you must know why he wants out of the relationship. sit him down saying that you want to understand why he's choosing to leave, but make it clear that you're not having the conversation in an attempt to make him stay. tell him you just want to know why, and that you won't try to convince him otherwise. it's important for you to know, then and only then can you move on. remember, it's okay to feel angry at them and hate them, but don't ever feel angry at or hate yourself. you're your own best friend and you're the only one who'll ALWAYS be there for you. cheers and best of luck!

  6. Ask him, tell him to communicate the emptions and if there is ANYTHING at all that you can do together to fix this!!?

  7. How are you certain that he's not cheating?

    I went through a similar situation and was certain that my husband wasn't cheating, but found out otherwise. I believe that a man will not leave his wife unless someone else is waiting for them. Based on what I'm reading it really sounds like he may have found someone else. I know it's hard to hear but it's a possibility. I hope that's not the case because that betrayal is the worst pain I ever felt. Just be prepared for the worst.

  8. This would be hard to understand and must be ripping you apart and can't be great for the kids, they know something is wrong they just haven't hit you with it yet and you are their strength if he leaves or becomes nasty. Drop into your local minister and have a talk to him he might be able to talk you thrrough this and help you understand and  also on how to get the man to come along to counselling. The minister can refer you to so professional help if he thinks  he can and it will help you with the kids and their  feelings

  9. Could you ask him to go to counseling? This might help find the reason why he doesn't want to be with you anymore. My friend was in the same situation. They went to counseling and found out he was in a depression. He got out of his funk and they are doing so much better.

  10. Actually... I think your hubby is cheating.  Look at his cell phone records and email if you can.  

  11. Are you sure he isn't cheating?

  12. Face your fear, live with out him. Live for your God, live for your children, live for your self. Never allow anyone to have that type of power over you. You came into this world alone and you will probably leave it alone. So face it. If he leaves, he leaves.

  13. I am in the same situation. Six months ago things started getting really bad in my marriage. It all boiled down to him wanting to be free and single. He didn't necessarily want to be with other women he just didn't want to be married. I moved out and things aren't getting that much better. He calls or wants to see me when it is convenient for him. He swears he wants to change but I don't see much improvement. I have asked for a divorce and to my shock, he said NO??? I love him dearly, but I love myself more. I am 33 yrs old and have a long life ahead of me, I can not waste my time with someone who still plays childish games!!!  My only advice is to worry about yourself and your kids. Give him what he wants, and let him go. It might just be the one thing that will bring you closer together?? Best of luck!

  14. Something has to be going on that he is not telling your or that you are not believing. Has there been any stress between you two other then whats going on now? Is his job going well? There are alot of other factors that could make him feel this way. You need to sit down with him while the kids are sleeping so they dont hear you guys talking and figure out whats going on and the best way to handle the situation. I know this is going to be hard to get over but you need to be strong not only for you but for your kids. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get this figured out.


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