
My husband has suddenly developed a small wound kinda infection in his p***s. We are true to each other.

by Guest60907  |  earlier

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It heals if we apply coconut oil twice a day. But after we have intercourse,the protective coating that forms in course of healing tears and back to square one! Its been a month since he developed it. Any idea about the reason?




  1. Tight briefs or no briefs. He chafed his p***s against cloth or zipper.

  2. He needs to go to the doctor...ASAP!!!! I can't imagine an open wound on a p***s is anything to not be serious about!!! He needs some cream or something to heal it correctly.  

  3. You may be true to him, but I'm suspicious about him.  It does sound like an STD, and now you probably have it too.  I'd get to a doctor ASAP.

  4. Maybe  he  got  a  zipper  wound, ouch.  Anyway  keep A@D  or  Neosporin on it  much as  possible. Maye  need  use  condom  till all healed.  Men  also  need more  zinc in  diet then  women  and it is  for  healing  also.

  5. SEE A DOCTOR. Could be something serious.

  6. I think it's important to determine the probable cause of the wound and, even more importantly, if it's really infected.  Hold off on s*x until this has been determined, treated and resolved and don't use coconut oil.  Your husband needs to see his doctor to rule out other conditions.

    Furthermore, there's been nothing mentioned by you that would lead me to suspect this is an STD.  Penile wounds happen due to a number of reasons, some of which that have nothing to do with s*x.  I'm not surprised that the condition regresses after you have intercourse.  The friction removes the healing skin tissue.  The solution is an obvious one.

  7. This could be anything from Herpies to Cancer. Stop being silly and go to the Dr. NOW

  8. It sounds to me like an STD im afraid.

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