
My husband is 0- and i'm b+ can it cause any prob in having kids?

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I ahd a miscarriage within a month time and dont know the raeson...still wondering what went wrong...




  1. if ur is b+ and ur husbands is o- will not effect 2 ur kid, if it is same blood group it may happen some effect to ur some times same blood group also cannot effect more but consulting the doctor we can save some ones life.

  2. I had a miscarriage at over 5 months pregnant. I had already had a sonogram. Had been to my OBGYN 6 days before. Everything was perfect. My husband and I both have Rh Neg. blood. I have never had a pregnancy with a Rh. pos. father. What i did have was a crop duster fly over my house spraying the rice fields behind my home when I was out in the garden. I woke up the next morning to find my whole garden dead. The day after that I started hemorrhaging so bad they didn't think I was going to make it through the surgery I needed to stop the bleeding. My doctor said there is no other reason for this to happened but the poison from the plane. So carefully check any and all chemicals that you could possibly come in contact with. I am so sorry for your loss. I still grieve even after 2 more healthy babies and 12 years have past. The good news is I was pregnant again in 3 months and had a very healthy 11lb boy. Good luck to you.

  3. Blood is grouped into four types: A, B, AB, and O. Each type is also classified by an RH factor – either positive ( + ) or negative ( - ). When a blood transfusion is necessary, donor and patient blood must be compatible. If not, the patient’s body will react to the incompatible donor cells, leading to complications, maybe even death.

    Your ABO blood grouping and Rh factor are inherited from your parents. Check the chart below to see what percentage of the population shares your ABO grouping.

    O + 37% O- 6%

    A+ 34%

    A- 6%

    B+ 10% B- 2%

    AB+ 4% AB- 1%

    When you donate, United Blood Services will send you a card with your blood type. Whatever type you are, someone in the community can benefit from your blood donation. Donate today. You’ll feel terrific!

    Possible Blood Transfusion Combinations

    Type: Can be given to patients with type:









    O+, A+, B+, AB+

    A+, AB+

    B+, AB+


    O+, A+, B+, AB+, O-, A-, B-, AB-

    A+, AB+, A-, AB-

    B+, AB+, B-, AB-

    AB+, AB-

    Patients with Type: Can receive type:









    O+, O-

    O+, A+, O-, A-

    O+, B+, O-, B-

    O+, A+, B+, AB+, O-, A-, B-, AB-


    O-, A-

    O-, B-

    O-, A-, B-, AB-


    A Human's Red blood cells (RBCs) have a set of Antigens on them. The two especially important antigens called A and B. A person has either one or both or neither on the RBCs.

    A person with Blood Group A is so because he has antigen A. Antigen B makes a person's Blood group B. If a person has both antigens, he is group AB and if he has neither, the blood group is O.

    Antibodies against these two Antigens are found in the blood Plasma. Antibody or Anti A acts against antigen A. The other Anti B acts against antigen B. The antibodies in a human's blood plasma are always the opposite of the antigens on the RBCs. For example, Blood Groups A, B, AB and O have Antigens A, B, A&B and None respectively. The respective Antibodies are Anti B, Anti A, None and Anti A & Anti B.

    During Transfusions Blood Matching has to be done. For example if a person of blood group A is given blood from a donor with blood group B, his anti B Antibodies will stick to the B Antigens on the ‘imported’ red blood cells entering his body. This makes the donated red cells stick together or Agglutinate, which can be fatal. So it is very important in blood transfusion that only that blood group is infused whose red cell do not carry an Antigen which be attacked by his own Antibodies. Group O blood has neither A and B Antigens, so this blood can be given to anyone. Hence persons of blood group O are also called Universal Donors. Group AB blood has neither Anti A nor Anti B Antibodies, so any blood can be transfused into it. hence persons with blood group AB are also called Universal Recipients.

    Blood Type Compatability Chart

    Type of Recipient Donor Can Be For:

    Red Cells Whole Blood Plasma

    O +ve O +ve

    O -ve O +ve

    O -ve Any O, A, B or AB

    O -ve O -ve O -ve Any O, A, B or AB

    A +ve Any

    A +ve, A -ve,

    O +ve or O -ve Any A +ve or A -ve Any A or AB

    A -ve Any

    A -ve or O -ve A -ve Any A or AB

    B +ve Any

    B +ve, B -ve,

    O +ve or O -ve Any B +ve or B -ve Any B or AB

    B -ve Any

    B -ve or O -ve B -ve Any B or AB

    AB +ve Any

    AB +ve, AB -ve

    A +ve, A -ve

    B +ve ,B -ve

    O +ve or O-ve Any AB +ve or AB -ve Any AB

    AB -ve Any

    AB -ve,

    A -ve,

    B -ve or

    O -ve AB -ve AB

  4. hey anshu,

                          u dont have to worry regarding this as this will not affect ur child the complication depend upon the Rh factor so go nd have the info. regarding this from ur doc.

  5. No. The Rhesus factor (what makes your blood +ve or -ve) is only a problem if the mother is -ve.

    If the baby is +ve, and the mother is -ve, then the first pregnancy will be okay. It's only if the mother and baby blood mix that there is a problem with the next pregnancy.

    The mothers immune system recognises the +ve and attacks it as an invader, miscarrying the pregnancy.

    But if you are +ve there are no prolems with that.

    I am sorry for your loss, I had a stillbirth, but now have a 11 week old baby.

    You'll be okay. I hope things go well in the future.

  6. Right, there is a big complicated explanation on the Rhesus Factor, But this is only taken into accout if it's your second baby, And no blood group doesn't matter.

  7. well...dont drink alcohol of take any medication that could be dangerous. Were you on a contraceptive before? That could be the cause, if it was within a month maybe the pregnancy test was faulty. I doubt it's to do with your blood groups, my dad is 0- and Mom is B or A...not sure, but she has 4 kids and is fine. See a doctor

  8. The only concern regarding blood type is if the mom is a negative (i.e. 0-) and the dad is a positive (i.e. B+), and then it usually only causes problems with the second baby.

    If this were the case you would have been given injections called Rhogam which help your body to recognize the baby as safe.

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