
My husband is German and I am American. We live in the States.?

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I just found out that I am pregnant. Does anyone know the procedure on getting dual citizenship for our child? I know I've got plenty of time, but am just interested in knowing.





  1. Your child will have automatically both citizenships.

    Please check on the German Embassy website :

    There is all the information you need.

    I am German, my husband American living in the US. When we had our children we automatically registered them at the German Embassy in Washington DC (or your closest consulate)

    I wanted to have all the papers in order from registering them in the "Stammbuch" (that's done through the Embassy at the Standesamt I in Berlin), and I also ordered right away their passports...the whole thing...) Your husband will know all the details.

    We also got their American Passports right away, because we travel a lot and we usually take both passports alongs.

  2. Your child is entitled to get both: the american and the german citizenship.

    Normally the german law do not accept dual citizenships but it makes an exception when one of the parents is german and the child receives the second citizenship automatically (in this case the american one)

    Something very important: As the german Parent lives abroad and the child will be born is USA you must take notice  that according to the new Nationality Law your child must be registered as german in the German Embassy within a year after birth otherwise he will lose any right to be recognized as german (this is valid for all children from german citizens living abroad who are born after 1999.

  3. Your child will be German citizen as your husband is German.

    In Germany you are considered a German citizen if one or both your parents are German regardless if you are born within Germany or not.

    I do know what I talk about since I was born in France but my dad beeing German I am German too I got French citizenship for the reason my mom was French and I was born there.

  4. If the child is half German or more he/she automatically gets dual citizenship.

  5. My husband is also German, but we live in Germany.  Our son has dual citizenship.  We just had to register him at the American Consulate here in Germany.   In your case, I would think your child will also be eligible for dual citizenship.  You will need to register him/her at the nearest German embassy.  Best wishes to you!

  6. My husband and I had our daughter in Germany and were told we had to pick citizenship right away and that they had stopped issuing dual citizenships a few yrs ago. We could have been mis informed, I didn't push the issue too much, because it wasn't that big of a deal at the time. But you might need to check into that as well, that was just last year.

  7. I don't know what the laws are in Germany, but to be considered a citizen of both countries different things must happen.  If your child is born in Germany he is atuomatically a German citizen and American (because you are American).  If he is born in America and the mother or father is German he has dual citizenship.

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