
My husband is a year away from 40 and still drives around blasting his music. ?

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Is it normal for a 40 year old man to drive around with loud music that can be heard for blocks.. He spends all weekend working on his car to make it louder. He plays it loud in the garage and we argue all the time about how it effects me. I feel that this hobby is juvenile and insensitive. Am I just being a spoil brat? Also he competes in car shows.




  1. well it doesnt really matter about his age, he obviously either still feels like a kid, or is wanting to be one again, its not hurting you or anyone by playing his musi, i like hearing cars go by with their music blaring, as lon as it is not to oofensive etc.  

  2. I love music. But I don't go around blasting my music for the world to hear. I think its juvenile and annoying and inconsiderate. Your definitely not being a spoiled brat, your husband is.

  3. Well I'm fifty seven. Still like it loud. I love to drive up to some one plying trash music. Crank up Dean Martin or some Jazz. Next thing you know they turn down their trash music

  4. chalk it up to mid life crisis.

  5. It's a lifestyle and has nothing to do with age. I have never liked guys like that because I think they are trying to compensate for something such as p***s size, intellect, or money. I think his behavior is very selfish and lacks respect for others around him. Lucky him he is not my neighbor, I'd have him silenced in no time (the music that is).  

  6. I'm a 35 year white female and I bought this car that had a sound system in it that I just came to love. It gives the sound that big boom sound that I used to find very annoying when I heard it coming from other peoples cars. I even starting listening to rap just to hear it boom. Sometimes, I get a little embarrassed because i know what people think when I pull up with that loud stereo on. I just love it so much! I think it is so much more fun to drive now while listening to it. Ya, your probaly right it is juvenile. It's just something that some people like and other people find very annoying and hard to understand. You're just more on the peaceful layed back side. Maybe we're going through mid-life crisis? I do understand your side though... I always try to never play it loud around people I respect and know they hate it. Maybe you could ask hubby to do the same?  

  7. lol this sounds alot like my father thats 42... he has stickers on his car window with his nickname etc... i jst dont think they like the fact that they are getting older lol

    my dad still wears his hats back to front liek hes in school it drives me crazy... but yes the loud music is annoying... u need to explain that u dont like the loud music say it quite often gives u a head ache... jst remind him of his age and ask him if he could settle down a bit for u!!! theres nothing better than the truth at the end of the day thats better dan lies...

  8. You tell your husband to keep rockin...I think its great...

  9. You're not a spoiled brat. Some guys just don't grow up.

    No it isn't normal, no matter the age. That behavior is subculturish nonsense that some people are compelled to engage in. One year, cars have tiny wheels, a few years later, it's huge wheels along with the Buick vents along the hood and lots of chrome. If one has to express themselves by making their automobile look  like others and blasting near sub-sonic sounds, not music, there is something missing in their lives.

    Those kinds of activities are unfortunately a reflection of our society and the excess of money and time and the inability of individuals to find purpose in their lives without following someone else's lead.

  10. I'm 45 and I like to drive around with the music cranked.  My wife doesn't mind--I don't blast it when she is in the car, though, and I don't play it loud enough for the neighborhood to hear.  There's nothing wrong with competing in car shows--there are worse hobbies that he could have.  Personally, I enjoy car shows as well.  My hobby is photography, and cars (especially antiques) are one of my favorite subjects.  

  11. He's trying to act young when obviously he is not. I would have felt embarrassed too.

    Start dressing up in mini-skirts, tank tops, boots, wear bright pink lip gloss and nail polish. He'll get the message soon enough.

  12. Nothing wrong with listening to loud music. I bet he has always loved his music and cars.  As long as he isn't listening to easy listening music loud you are ok.

  13. you have got a great hubby lady.

    its great that he is so energetic even at an age where most people starts thinking of old age.

    You should be proud of him.

  14. Don't stress about his age because i know several men the same age & older who are exactly the same. I know what you mean, it does seem childish to us but unfortunately they don't think the same way & there is a good chance they never will! I think you are just going have to come to some sort of compromise with him about the noise level when you are around him because if he knows how it effects you the least he can do is quieten down at least a little bit. Have another talk to him but don't ask him to stop completely, just ask him if he could "tone" it down around you.

    Good Luck!

  15. let the man is better than having a man that is out chasing after women on the weekends! i am sure you do things that drives him nuts also.  

  16. he is real adventurous i also like that but firstly m a woman and secondly m 21 but still i like these kind of guys who play loud music.  the whole world turns around with the beats coming from the car.  u shud b happy woman.  age is not a factor out here u do what u enjoy and enjoy at the fullest thats what he is doing.

  17. No you are not spoiled!  As a matter of fact, I think you are very common sense and rational.

    Your husband has the mind of a 15 year old who needs to go down the street making everyone else look at him...but what he doesn't understand is, there are plenty of people like me who would just LOVE to shove his speakers right up (you know where) and watch his brains blow out his ears.

    I hate it when some idiot like your husband comes up along side of me at a stop light and forces me to listen to that THUMPING racket.  If he likes it LOUD, then tell him to get a set of headphones and blast his brains out with it but to leave you and everyone else alone.

    The problem is, he doesn't know he looks like a FOOL and an IDIOT doing what he is doing...he thinks he is cool, but he really is a jerk.

  18. Why don't you just have fun with him?  quit harping at him and because he wants attention and if he can't get it at home he will get it elsewhere.  Try dressing up like the hot babes at car shows when he comes home from work?  He will love it.  Go with him on a road trip.

  19. It's normal, my ex is 52 and I've been told you can still hear him approaching from blocks away. Some people are just really into music.

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