My husband's ex hates my husband, she's been trying to ruin his life for 8 years. They have 2 girls together and we used to have them in our home 50% of the time. His ex says horrible things to the kids about my husband, she told them that daddyy didn't love them, that he only had joint custody because he didn't want to pay child support, etc. BTW he still pays child support. Anyway, she told the kids all the details of their dad's affair ( she forgot to mention that she cheated too) and how their father disrespected her when they were married. 4 months ago she called the cops on my husband and accused him of child abuse. My husband would never abuse his kids, he loves them very much. She couldn't prove anything and he wasn't charged with child abuse. But after that day my husband is afraid of being around the kids, we only see them once a month. He says that he is afraid that the next thing his ex is going to do is accuse him of molesting his kids. He talked to the lawyer and according to the lawyer we shouldn't have the kids in our home for a while. What can we do about the situation? I want the girls to come to our place as often as they used to but my husband is against it. He says he will only see the girls in public places but he doesn't seem to want to do that either. I feel like he is losing his daughters. Now the kids are upset with him, they feel rejected.