
My husband is annoyed that i signed up for monthly donations to Save The Children..?

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okay i would like to know if i did something wrong? i grew up in a poor country and i didnt have much. when i saw the booklet in the mail the little girl on the front remind me of me. now that i'm blessed with everything i could ever ask for i really wanted to do something even if its small to help people in my country. i like save the children because the money goes to projects to help the whole community. im a stay at home mom so i don't have an income of my own but i get a weekly allowance from my husband and im sponsoring for $60 a month. my husband didn't say anything negative about it but he also didnt seem very happy. he is a quiet man and i can tell when he disapproves of me. i dont want to cancel the donation..i will get a partime job if i have to..i just want to know why is it so bad? how do i make him see my way? he usually doesnt care what i buy. ive bought shoes for $200 before and he didnt act like this.




  1. Discuss the reasons with your husband for your decision.  i think it is a great thing to give till it hurts a little, then you know it is the right amount.  it should be a sacrifice.  If your husband loves you,  he will understand why giving to a poor child in another country is part of who you are. Offer to economize in some way to offset the expense to your family. (give up having coffee out or something else.)

  2. Your motives are wonderful. Maybe you should ask him whats wrong. I personally don`t trust some of those groups, I think they take advantage of our goodness to get rich, that's just me.Checkout the organization make sure your not buying an executive a new car.

  3. $60 a month is $720 a year- quite a chunk of cash for most of us.

    With so many other pressures on our budgets, I would have to think about such a large monthly donation. I understand that it is from your allowance, but if it is most of your allowance, then the money has to come from some other place.

    I think this is more of a communications issue than the actual dollar amount.

  4. u should hav talked to him about it first....  u might hav some financial crisis u need the money for... or maybe he wants to save up for something..

    my advice.... talk it over with him.... ask him y he's behaving like ths... he may say nothn but dont leave it to tht..

    dont be aggressive... be calm and ask... then come up with a compromise..

    thts all i hav to say ....till then...cheers!

  5. Very simply put, you have launched a financial responsibility on your own, w/out discussing it first.

  6. remind your husband that the cost of having someone watch your children and do the housework would cost him alot more than $60 a month. if he doesn't buy that then get a job and start pricing out daycare and handing half of the household chores to him, soon he will be begging you to return to being a homemaker and be more than happy to shell out $60 a month

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