
My husband is constantly swearing around the kids

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I dont think its right at all they are only 7 months and 2. how can i convince him to stop




  1. Trust me, once he hears his two year old swear, he will want to stop on his own. Even if you don't think the kids are paying attention, they pick up on EVERYTHING!  

  2. I have a similar predicament. My son is 17 months old. My husband says he'll watch his language when the baby starts talking, but the thing is, he's been saying this for about a year now... and the baby is learning through our example.

    I'm guessing that he'll stop when the baby says the F word in front of my mother-in-law, who has no idea how her son swears.

  3. I'm not sure. I think you have to get it through his head that he does not want his darling 2 year old to start parrotting  his favorite phrases.

    My friend's  3 year old son  got mad at preschool and got in trouble for saying "f*** that" multiple times. My friend does not talk like that, but her ex-does.I know without a doubt that he picked it up at his dad's house.

    when I was a toddler my mom was quizzing me on my parents names and such. I gave her my name, my dad's name correctly. she asked what mommy's name was...and I told her "mommy". she tried another way "OK honey, what does daddy call mommy?" and my response? "d**n it Marilyn"

  4. I saw this on "Super Nanny". Put him on his "naughty step" for one minute for every year of age.

    Sure, he will PROBABLY stop the first time his kid swears, but of course by then it will be too late.

  5. he will get a shock when toddler talking. mine said f*** in front of her nan. not good news. enough though for us to be more careful with our language.

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