
My husband is deploying again, and it's time to play. Should I feel guilty?

by  |  earlier

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This is the 3rd time he is deploying and every single time he goes off I cheat on him like there is no tomorrow. Guys, girls, and yes group sessions with mutli partners. I got pregnant while he was gone and had an abortion last time. He has no idea, I just spend his money like no tomorrow and it's all about ME. Hey he married me knowing that I want to be pampered, and if he's not here to do it then I'll just substitute until he gets back. I was even able to blame the genital herpes on him and make him think it was from some ex. Think I should feel guilty? Funny thing is I don't and I have a guy right here now watching me type and we are laughing.




  1. OK Im going to ty to be nice about this!!! Just get a divorce! I have no idea why you even got married! Your sick and I hope and pray you get caught! He doesnt deserve this!

    Grow up!! You spend his money like no tomorrow and its all about you!! LOL! GET A JOB!!!

    REMEMBER KARMA! What goes around comes around! AND IT WILL! It always does! SO have your fun now.Because something VERY BAD WILL happen to you.***WATCH****

  2. ya know, I've been deployed I know what it's like being away and missing people like that, and after reading your story I hope you wreck your car and get paralyzed for life then he breaks it off and you end up living alone  

  3. s***w the guidelines, if this is real your a S****y nasty sorry *** excuse for a human being. I hope you gat another STD and it burns when you breath, s**t.

  4. Um yeah, ok. This isnt real.

  5. Its not a crime if you dont get caught. I say go for it, and dont foget to send me some pics ;) hehehehe

  6. Karma's a *****, honey. And if he dies over there, you will probably NEVER forgive yourself.

  7. whatever u sound like a troll...don't feed the trolls....

  8. Either you're having a laugh or...

    You are the type of woman that deserves to burn to death slowly

  9. Part of the title of this forum is 'ethics'

    Troll or truth-teller, you are unethical.

  10. what a w h o r e, I hope you get herpes in your throat and choke to death on a wad of ***

  11. yea ok, i really doubt this question is real. if it is you'd think the pregnancy, abortion, and herpes would have knocked some sense into you. only god can save you now.

    as hayley williams would say "once a w***e, you're nothing more. i'm sorry that will never change."

  12. you go it playa.  big ups to you.  Hope u don't have kids, don't let him trap you!

  13. Too bad this isn't real. And thanks for the free two points.

    But I'd say you are a w***e, and nothing more. You're poor husband is serving the country, and you are cheating on him. He deserves better. Divorce him or something. Because HE deserves better not you.

  14. Why would you type this and laugh unless you were a narcissist and generally insane.

    Stop trolling please.

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