
My husband is from Guatemala (he is 28, I am 32) and we have a 18 month old baby...??

by Guest44710  |  earlier

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My husband is from Guatemala (he is 28, I am 32) and we have a 18 month old baby...??

And he says in his country / culture when a woman has a baby the man will no longer give oral s*x. He says they don't do it anymore out of respect for the baby. Is this true? Please help me, because I really want to know. Thank you very very much!


(Not that it matters, but I had a c-section and the baby didn't come out of THERE., but anywhoooo....)




  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but he is LYING.

    He can go downtown. That is not cultural. He is making excuses.

    Tell him how you feel and sorry but that is a lame lame lame excuse.

    If he won't relent, tell him in your culture, after dumb excuses, you're not able to reciprocate either.

    Check mate.

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