
My husband is from Guatemala (he is 28, I am 32) and we have a 18 month old baby....?

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My husband is from Guatemala (he is 28, I am 32) and we have a 18 month old baby.

And he says in his country / culture when a woman has a baby the man will no longer give oral s*x. He says they don't do it anymore out of respect for the baby. Is this true? Please help me, because I really want to know. Thank you very very much!


(Not that it matters, but I had a c-section and the baby didn't come out of THERE., but anywhoooo....)




  1. hey whats up im from guatemala and i been in this country 7 years and the time i spend it in my country i never heard such a thing like that i think he is following old school traditions by the way u had a c-section so you are neat down there just talk to him by the way my wife had baby the natural way and i still do it .

  2. What? That sounds stupid. How is it out of respect for the baby? Sound like he just doesn't want to go down on you. d**n that sucks.  

  3. I grew up in Miami with a lot of Hispanic people. My husband, also, is from El Salvador. And, I've NEVER heard of such a thing. Granted, I don't know anything specific about Guatemala, but it still sounds like a lame excuse to me.

    I'm happy to answer, but you might want to try asking in the cultures section. I'm sure some realm Guatemalans could answer that better than me.  

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