
My husband is illegal and i'm a citizen we want to travel to california by plane do you think there is a risk?

by Guest65591  |  earlier

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he only has his matricula as a form of ID to show




  1. Yes. You have to present an I.D at the security check points. How did you get a marriage license if he is illegal?

  2. First,you should consult with immigration attorney for applying

    legal status of your husband.because he is married to US citizen.INS should allow his residency but you should discuss with a good immigration attorney.I advice you guys drive to California and obey traffic law.That is only way to California until he gets legal residency.Many states,township cops will check ID and they will arrest illegal resident.

  3. uh. duh!!

  4. Um. Yeah. o-o

  5. Try will find out......

  6. You have to have state, federal or military ID. If he hits security.... then he is done.

    Any sane person understands this.

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