
My husband is in Fort Knox , at basic training. How does the pay and housing allowance work? Half and half?

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He was told we qualify for housing allowance, but was also told that we only get half during basic training. Does anyone really know how it all works?




  1. I would have to agree with what Liz wrote.

    he should be getting his base pay based on his rank and time in service and Basic Housing Allowance with dependants (BAH With Dependants) based on the zip code where his family (you) is living. Not sure if he should be getting separation pay..  

    So to help answer your question you should add his base pay and BAH for your zip and that should be his monthly pay.

    The only thing that I can think of that should be split in half is his monthly check. You have the option to get paid once a month or twice a month. If you choose to get paid twice a month your check gets split in half and you get paid half on the first, half on the 15.

  2. While your husband is in training the housing allowance is based on YOUR zipcode. They will deposit that and his regular pay into the account that he provided at processing. To calculate your housing allowance, go here:

  3. The military paydays are the 15th and the 1st.  Most pay and allowances are paid together on these days.  The only exceptions are travel pay & reenlistment or enlistment bonuses.  The BAH while on unaccompanied orders is based on your zip code.  It will be divided between the 2 paydays.  He does qualify for family Separation which is $250 per month when gone longer than 30 days, this is an allowance and is paid on the paydays.  

    it will all be visible on what is called an LES (Leave & Earnings Statement) he gets a paper copy right now but once through BCT/Boot/Basic it will be online and he can set up an account for you to view.  When it is the pay on the 15th only the amount that is to be deposited will be viewable, the end of the month is when they whole LES can be seen. they are up 1 week before payday.

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