
My husband is in basic training and I need to know where to go to inquire about my benefits such as med & etc?

by  |  earlier

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My husband joined the army in late July and is in basic training until Sep, and then off to officer candidate school. His recruiter was not the best so know I need to know who to contact in order to find out how to obtain my id card and medical etc? Also because I can only talk to him for a few mins a week, I'm not sure how to find out about his pay and how long it takes to get the first paycheck? Anyone have a similar experience?




  1. During your husbands basic training, there is time set aside during the training schedule where he will take care of all of this information. His check will be directly deposited into his account. (he will give all this info during basic).

    Unfortunetly, as for your ID card and medical, you will have to wait til your husband graduates from basic training. He will then enter you into the DEERS program, where you will be then enrolled into tricare(medical). He will then take you to the ID office, where you and your children will be able to get your ID Cards.

  2. Try to get a hold of someone at his base you might not get to talk to him butt they might know or might be of help .Go to and look up the base's it will have the numbers for each base

  3. Your husband will take care of all of this during basic. He will be given time to call you or write you and let you know all of the important information. Be patient.

    His pay will be directly deposited to an account he gives them. If you have access to the account, you will have access to the paycheck.

    He will need to be with you for you to get your ID card. You will have to wait on that one until he can be with you, either between BCT and AIT or after AIT.

    He will fill out all of the forms to get you (and any children he has) onto tricare. There's really nothing you can do at this point but be patient and supportive.

    Feel free to email me if you want to with any other army questions. Army wives have to stuck together and support each other too!!

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