
My husband is in jail and the police are investigating him on other charges.

by  |  earlier

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They started this investigation over 3 weeks ago and still havent charged him yet. However with all that is going on they have froze all our bank accouts and closed down all our businesses because they won't let him out on work release so we are loosing everything, We have 2 small children at home and I can't work due to medical reasons. how can they continue to do this to us. What can I do?




  1. Get your own attorney to help you get access to your accounts to at least be able to maintain your household.

  2. Well, he apparently did some crime(s). Apparently, it involves money. Drug dealing, gambling, or some other criminal money making thing. If locking down your assets is a legitimate part of the investigation, or your assets are subject to seizure as fruits of criminal interprise, you can wait, or you can get a lawyer to see if it's legitimate and to try to negotiate something. When you're married, it's essentially a partnership, and what one partner does affects the other. Bad choice of partners or bad decision to tolerate the crime. Try the lawyer. It's about all you can do.  

  3. go to the department and tell them that u need ur money because of ur kids and if they refuse  u can take them to court and plead to the judge to release ur money

  4. Dump your husband and hook up with a rich guy

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