
My husband is in the military and running alot lately.?

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He has been running a whole lot lately and now has alot of pain in his inner calves in both legs. Any tips on making the pain go away?




  1. Inner calves could be his shins, you can't really stretch them very well. Just wear good shoes and try to run on soft surfaces. Don't run on pavement all the time. If it's just his calves, I guess just make sure you stretch well and don't get in a hurry. It could also be that he's just running more than he's used to, and the pain will go away as he gets used to it more. Hope this helps!

  2. I believe that can be in the category of shin splints (perhaps posterior tibial tendinitis).

    He needs to be running in the right shoes and preferably on surfaces softer than concrete.

    If he's not used to running, he may need to work on form issues. For example, it's common for beginners to use the lower legs more than they should, and pushing off from the forefoot can lead to pain in that area. His ankles / feet may need to be much more relaxed than what he's currently doing.

    It can help to stretch after running (though doing so now might aggravate things).

    He might be generally overdoing it and need to scale back.

    In the meantime, icing may be his biggest friend, along with rest, compression, and elevation (R.I.C.E.).

    He may also want to pay attention to eating/drinking for recovery after his runs.

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