
My husband is interested in being a bounty hunter. What kind of permit does he need to have a firearm?

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My husband is interested in being a bounty hunter. What kind of permit does he need to have a firearm?




  1. Only a few states in the US allow bounty hunters.

    It's a cut-throat business with minimul income.

    You have to be the meanest, baddest, most well connected guy in town ....

    No benefits, no insurance, no retirement, just a few a ss whippings.

    He might want to find another line of work that is more profitable.

  2. He'll need two permits,

    1) A purchase permit.

    2) A permit to carry it concealed if he chooses to carry it that way.

  3. I have never seen a bounty hunter with a firearm.  Too many legal ramifications.  Bounty hunters work for bail bond agencies.  The only way the bond companies get their money back is if the person who skipped court is caught and taken to court.

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