
My husband is lacto intolerant. I have a recipe that calls for heavy cream. Is there a substitute?

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My husband is lacto intolerant. I have a recipe that calls for heavy cream. Is there a substitute?




  1. coconut cream or thick coconut milk. Most healthfood stores sell it! Some supermarkets  have it!  I use it alot  it's cheaper than regular milk and tastes better I think!

  2. lactose milk, soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk, cashew milk    ( put cashews in a blender with water)

  3. Of course!

    If you don't have cream for lactose intolerants in your country (which i find odd) you can use soy cream, almod cream, oat cream, cocunut cream, etc.

    There's lots of substitutes

  4. I would try a soy creamer (like the kind you use for coffee). It is MUCH thicker than regular soymilk (which tends to be a little watery). Make sure it is original flavor,unless you are making a dessert in which case vanilla flavor would work, too.

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