
My husband is living in beirut he said it hard to find work and apartment for us is it that hard ?

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I'm planning on living with him there but he said the crime is high. and he may have to move to syria to keep me and the baby am having safe. he was in uae were there was no crime. is the crime the same as usa??. is he just being scared for no resone. he said job are hard to find there is this true.he want me there but he is just trying to find i safe place




  1. Basically..yes.

    The political situation in the region is particularly difficult on Lebanon; both in terms of safety and economics...its very hard to find work, and very competitive...

    And real-estate is very very expensive!!!

    But it also depends on what line of business your husband is in and what nationality?

  2. Well, yeah, um, in case you haven't noticed, Lebanon hasn't really been the most stable of countries lately. Ya know, with the near civil war environment and all.

  3. I've lived 21 years in leb, every war, every assasination & crime but where we live, we never got hurt a tiny tiny bit & now Lebanon is safer than ever & defenitely more fun to live in than syria....It is very safe, we're going everywhere & u shouldn't miss it for the world ! Good luck & congrats on ur baby =)

  4. Lebanon is booming with tourism right now and it's very safe .. the crime rate he's talking about only exists in his mind and some Israeli propaganda websites ...

    jobs are a bit hard to find yes .. and apartment rent rates are getting very high .. that's also true .. but crime ?? no sorry ...

    maybe he has a second family there and he dont want you to find out ?? :p

  5. Yes lebanon now isnt stable it was years ago not now ask this question after another 25 years of war !! i hope not

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