
My husband is not interested in anything I say to him, he just sits gazing at the TV and waiting to be fed?

by  |  earlier

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yet when he is on the phone to other people he chats away and discusses things. If I say anything about my day he isn't interested, if I talk about something on the news he says that he doesn't like to hear things second hand and will see it on the news for himself. If I mention anything else he says it is hearsay or gossip. Yet when I spend an evening on the phone to a friend he gets angry that I have such a lot to talk about....




  1. haha i love homer simpson

  2. Sounds like to me he has double standards.  What good for the goose as they say.  So treat him the same exact way and when he complains tell him to kiss your a$$ !

  3. Wow, it sounds like you're in a no win situation here. I think I would bring it to his attention that he is treating you like c**p. I have found that if I mirror my husbands behavior that he soon figures out what is unacceptable. And let him make his own dinner.

  4. Tell him you need to talk to him during a time that he may be listening (such as prior to s*x).  Then tell him how you are feeling.  Communication has to be there!

  5. If my husband treated me that way, he would be waiting an awfully long time to be fed.

  6. Hmmmm...Possibly are the conversation you try to engage or have with him, you complaining or it quite pessimistic in regards to life, work etc.

    Sometimes this can be a resort of one just closing their ears and not wanting to hear anything. Maybe you previously used to talk to him about problems which may not have been about him but could of as a result affected your relationship with him.

    In regards to you chatting to your friends and him getting annoyed, maybe he does want to spend time with you but in terms of you participating in activity together i.e. dining in a restaurant, going cinema, engaging in sexual activities.

    It seems like you both need to re-spark your relationship and may have got lost in how to stimulate each others interest. Try to encourage new activities i.e suggest going out. If he Say's no, then bring the activities in your house, by engaging in things that will bond you back together i.e. special meal (would be nice if you had a dining table), playing games i.e. challenging each other to a game of monopoly, scrabble etc., watching a movie (purchasing a new DVD)


  7. Make passionate love to him.  Do the things you have been denying him.  I know you have.  Watch how fast he starts paying attention to you.

  8. Is he still getting some action?

  9. well next time you get off the phone and he has an attitude, ask him what he wants to talk about.

  10. Don't feed him

  11. You have one go at this life - why are you wasting it on this man?  You deserve to be loved, cherished and respected.  Don't get to old age and look back on years and years of unhappiness.

    Good luck x

  12. Well feed him when the news is on and while he is eating and watching TV,make your phone calls.Sounds like he the 2 of you just  do not communicate well.

    Maybe he doesn't like gossip though.Make sure what you talk about is fact based and not emotion based.

  13. lazy s**+ t - sounds a lot like me

  14. Sounds like my husband, until I slammed his remote up against the wall last week and watched it break into hundreds of pieces. He got mad, I got MADDER. I have his attention now!

    If you ever divorce him, take his tv out of the house first.

  15. Maybe get some advice from 'Relate' the marriage guidance people.  You can go on your own.

  16. ignore him a few days and go to the spa and pamper yourself, look really hot and see if the TV is more important then!  If he comes around tell him your busy and need to do something, let him think about what he has ... good luck

  17. Do you ever try to talk to him about his hobbies or interests, or ask him questions while you're talking to encourage him to contribute?  I know sometimes us women (myself included) start yapping away and our poor hubby's just kinda zone out.

  18. Sounds like he needs a shaken up don't you think?.

    Tell him you need a handsome stud in your life, you tired of going without. You want some one that makes you feel A LIVE!!.

  19. Hm, He treats u badly, You should just leave him Tbh, If you realy dont want to leave him, Just talk to him about it, Turn the T.V off and ask him why he doesnt listen to you, And then why he says u dont talk enough to him, His a selfish Pig In my opinion, Talk with him, if he still carrys on with it, Pack his bags and Kick him out.

  20. He's just selfish.  It has to be on HIS terms or nothing.  If he's in the middle of a movie & you want to talk . . . TOO BAD.  When he wants to talk he wants you available, right?  Has zero interest in what you say but you're supposed to be ALL EARS when he opens his mouth?  Yep.  Self absorbed.  All on his schedule, and all on his terms.  

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