
My husband is out of town on a long business trip, Should I ........ while he's gone?

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Should I take the kids out on a small vacation trip while he's gone or should we wait for him to come back and go all together? I just don't want to hurt his feeling :-)

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  1. ask him what is best

  2. I wouldn't call it a mini vacation but a family outing would be nice for the kids while he's gone there is no reason you shouldn't have fun too.

  3. ask him first...but if i were you i would wait

  4. Why don't you ask him?  Having a small vacation all together sounds great, but he may be tired from his business trip when he gets back or he may still have work that needs to be done when he gets back.  If he says no, ask if he minds if you and kids go anywhere.    

  5. Well definitely ask him if he minds first if you haven't allready. If he says he wants to come too, then wait 4 him. if not then go.

    Almost like Brain surgery

  6. I would wait.  If I was him I would be hurt and feel left out.

  7. I would say go.

  8. wait..go as a family!

  9. Wow. You really had me there for a second. Haha

  10. Ask him if he would have a problem with it.

  11. you should all go as a family!

  12. I'd wait.  He deserves a vacation too, if he's off working!

    Be kind to the man who makes sure you live the way you do.

  13. I think you could go somewhere for a day, maybe plan a trip for swimming or something in that order.

  14. Wait for him!! He is out of town WORKING...and you have the audacity to take a vacation while his busting his ***. Selfish.  

  15. I think I would ask your husband. I think it would be nice for just you and the kids to do something together, I bet they miss him and it might take their minds off that..but i wouldn't want to hurt his feeling either. Who knows, he may say go and have fun.

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