
My husband is turning 40 and he has been through a lot so I would really like to do something nice for him. ?

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I really don't have a lot of money to spend so can you help me with any suggestions?




  1. I did this one time and the guy talked about it for YEARS!  I met him at the door wearing nice lingerie.  I sat him down where I had appetizers and champagne (the cheap spumante kind) while I ran a bubble bath.  I even heated the towel in the microwave.  I washed him myself and dried him off.  Then I led him to the bedroom where I had candles and massage oil.  I gave him an all over massage.  He dozed while I made the dinner.  We ate by candlelight and had more champagne then it was back to the bedroom for well, use your imagination.  He loved this gift!  And it didn't cost much although I did buy some great food. Like I said, he talked about it for years!

  2. 40! happy b-day to your hubby! well even thought he is going to be 40 a perfect thing to do since you don't have that much money is to make him a  romantic and delicious dinner! you can include flower and candles and also a greeting card telling him how much you love him and the pleasure that you feel to see him getting old by your side! good luck sweetie and remember you won't spend much and you and your husband will have the best b-day ever! xoxo


  3. get him a stripper, he cant touch them anyway

  4. Give him a BJ!

  5. Could you manage a picnic on the beach and a tent on a cheap camping park?  Champagne picnic in a secluded spot.


    What about a letter or a poem telling him what a fantastic guy he is, how lucky you are to have him and how glad you are that he has such resilience to get through the things he has.


    Write him three (fake) blank cheques and tell him to write on them his three most heartfelt wishes (being in mind that he knows your financial circumstances) - that way you get to give him what he wants at lo/no cost.

    Good luck - I hope he enjoys his birthday whatever he has for a gift - sounds like he deserves it.

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