
My husband likese to see nude pictures of other women:((?

by  |  earlier

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What should I do?This is so irritating?I feel I am nothing,thats why he is doing this.This is continuing for last 5 years and Once I asked him,why are u looking at these stupid videos.Then he told me that's for s*x education.But thing is not like that..He is more attracted these kind of vulgar pictures.He finds more satisfaction in seeing these rather spending with me.Now I am mother of a baby of 18 months old.I don't know whether this is the cause of all .After delivery ,he is not ready to look at me.Now I think ,Why the Almighty have created the women.Men can throw women after their use.why the God Punishes the woman more?If the woman lose shape after pregnancy/delivery,that's not her fault,the man is also a cause for that.In our indian culture family has a high value in society.And I have Heard that ,if we ave kids then the family relationship will go stronger...Please suggest me any solution..Atleast i can found some people like ,then I can share my sorrows with them.Plssss




  1. If music is the food of love play on and don't disturb him , he is busy now .

  2. nothing wrong with that.

  3. this is common thing every men will do the same after  and before delivery, most of the men will go outside and enjoy s*x , but u r lucky that ur husband only see's photos,

  4. i think he's doing this because he is not satisfied and he is looking for options. sometimes men do this uncontiuosly.or he is jst taking u for granted.

  5. do the same &when he ask then give same reply

  6. That's men (i can know), just don't botter (it's difficult but give it a try). Your man likes to see other women nude because he has a lot of respect for you and doesn't want you to do such things. But, he's still a men so he looks at other women.

  7. Conduct a survey of how many of men see nude pictures of women. 90% will agree that they see and the other 10% are born liars! First let us agree that great many men are seduced by beauty alone. ( although debatable which kind of beauty )

    In your case your man is showing utter disrespect for you and for the relationship with you. may be hes turning a bit uninterested after your pregnency. But this is not the way he should  treat you.  In many other better ways he should be able to communicate his needs and desires.

    It appears there is a mistake on your side too. When you know that your husband strongly desires you to be in shape what from h**l is preventing you from being so? Go to gym . do jogging. Or atleast go for yoga. Who said women have to be out of shape after pregnency. Proof angelina Jolie!


  8. The characteristic of your husband's penchant for viewing nude pictures of women is nothing but perversion.  But generally perversion stems from dissatisfied s*x life but this is not the solitary reason to come to any conclusion.  There could  certain factors which are hindering him from deriving total satisfaction from s*x e.g. his poor libido, fast ejaculation, your poor or tepid response/involvement during the s*x play or other worries which may be telling upon his sexual vigour.  So when he fails to derive desirable satisfaction from real s*x play, he may tend to fantasise which may be leading him to view nude pictures.  But more than a doctor, you being his wife so to say his bed partner can better investigate into the reasons and sort them out at your own level.  Just give this suggestion a try and I am sure, it might click.

  9. i cn undrstnd how frustrating it can get,.... and its noit eevn a reason wher u can threaten him to leave him etc.. why dont u do one thing.. why dont u try n give him the taste of your own medicine.. try n do the same thing.. with nude men pictures,,,, n then when he objects.. tell him that he doesn;t satisfy u enough.. he will then know how it cr

  10. nothing wrong in this.

  11. Hey,

    Dont bother abt it. That is how guys r. always curious abt seeing girls nude even after seeing million times. More u insit that he should not see, he wil be after that. Just let him hv his time and space. Be happy as ong as he loves u and the kid. See that he gets what he wants from you. May be u can sit with him when he watch such clips. that may make him loose interest in that.

    One mistake most indian married fem do is, keep husband away after child birth. Never do that. s*x is something important to make the bond better. as a wife it is ur responsiblity to see that he gets what he wants from you. Then sure he will respect you for ur needs and feeligs.

    enjoy the life and be happy

  12. Dont worry abt that , try to put some more love over ur husband because part of s*x is 10 - 15 minutes per day if its exceeds it will create boring.And then he will relies that s*x is part of live not full ,this is not only for u for all.

    in front of a baby smile these things are stands long time so keep the silence.

  13. I think you should understand him,,

    because for men seeing those pictures doesn't mean they don't want you it means they just want to be tickled a bit,,but if he's doing it every time then you should talk to him personally and tell him "I'm still your wife I still need some respect here!!"

    hope this works....

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