
My husband lives with another women...and has the nerve to?

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tell me he wants to work on things and show me how much he really loves me and our kids so he doesnt want me messing that up by meeting someone else or doing something that would make him no longer want me. Im thinking really? You live with your other children's mother (whom he cheated on me with and had two kids by her). He goes out and messes with girls often I am sure. But wants to have me waiting around for him. I don’t even think I want him back, he has cheated in the past, has a coke addiction he tried to keep undercover and lies so much I cant believe a word he says. Should I just move on and forget him or actually give him another chance?




  1. keep saving... use your god given common sense, he is sleeping with another woman but still loves you??? does it sound right to you? does it sit well with you that he is laying down with another woman?

  2. aw you poor thing.........don't get back with him I could see if he cheated once but it sounds like he is setting a pattern.....leave him you deserve someone will will love you and only you!! GO get what you deserve!!

  3. h**l no! you already know the answer. Why would you even consider that toxic man back into your life. Move on Im sure you can do better, you cant possibly do worst.

  4. he's a piece of ****... find yourself a new husband and be picky. You deserve better than that.

  5. You are not seriously considering waiting on him are you? No way, baby...move on and don't look back!

  6. My husband cheated on me for a year with my best friend behind my back and i found out and left him for 8 months. My stupidity i went back to him thinking well if i truly loved him we could make this work. The trust was gone and he made me promises he couldnt keep. So after 3 years of trying to make my marriage work i left him again to seek my own happiness. I am currently going through a divorce. No one can determine how things are for you. I would move on cause if he has hurt you over and over again its going to continuously happen and none of us deserve to be hurt over and over again.

  7. glad you are saving up for a divorce..sounds like that is the way to go.

  8. He's giving you proof that he just doesn't care. You need to stay in control at all times. His type "feed" on your emotions and continue to bring down your self-esteem.

    By no means should you bother with him again. And instead of saving for a divorce,  many lawyers out there will work with you in this so you can legally and quickly divorce the bum and start your life over with a better quality for your children. Though you now cannot afford a divorce, do contact an attorney and talk with him/her about the situation. Many times, the first appointment is free of charge. Fix it so that Mr. No Good will have to work his can off to pay child support. I hope you come out of this a winner.  

  9. So you're NOT divorced?!  I thought in another question you said you were but now you're complaining about your husband being with other women?  Here's the thing:  Until your divorce is final, the two of you are married, PERIOD.  You're just kidding yourself if you're thinking anything else is going on with either of you.  If you can't think of your own marriage and family, maybe you should think of the other people who would potentially be very hurt by your irresponsibility.

    Either be married or get a divorce, but know there is no half way point, even if you are saving to get the divorce.  

  10. You need to move on....It sounds like he has a double standard...You deserve better...

  11. oh please girl! this aint for the kids! stop using the kids! the kids can still see their father whether your married to him or not! you just want to be an idiot and still let this man walk all over you! come on! he is living with another woman who has his kids also! you need to move on, get a divorce and find another man. how many chances can you give a man who has went out and got kids by another woman and he is still married? are you going to give him the chance to go out and knock another woman up? let her deal with him doing dirt not you. no wonder why he is practically demanding you to not date someone else cuz you have given him a reason to make such demands by continuing to be a fool for this man.

  12. tell him to p**s off and stop trying to walk all over you and also tell him you found another man.

  13. There is no working this out. If you stay single, you are being totally naive. Men are a dime a dozen, just like women. Get you another one.  They're free.

  14. Sounds like you should go on the Jerry Springer show to me.

  15. save more so you can divorce him sooner....that would be my advice....he is a L  :  )

  16. please move on, this man is toxic to you. How dare he to want you back..please know that you will never be happy with much water is under the bridge.  

  17. It sounds like you have your answers, I think you are still kinda holding out hope that one day he will come around and change, get that out of your head, as he wont. His words and broken promises are going to take it's toll on you, as these are merely words, anyone can say anything, it is what they do with these words that count, trust his actions, not what he says. He appears to be a It's all about me kinda guy, his needs are first priority, he comes first in his mind, this may be caused from his character defects from drug addiction, or even worse, this may just be how he is and will always be, regardless do you really want to sit around and play the wait and see game? Being that he is addicted to coke, he is incapable of loving anyone, even himself, he needs to get help, and stay out of all relationships until he recovers from his addiction. So the next time you think about him and his girlfriends, or his love life in general, remember what I said, he cant love anyone till he loves himself, and no one doing coke or other drugs are capable of this.

  18. anything i can do for yopu. im osrry your goingthrough this

  19. Your A Bad Wife, Your Husband Is Cool.

    Just kidding,

    Your husband is a disgrace, in your position I would do exactly as you are doing so. I dont think you just give him another chance nor forgive him, FORGET about him. He is a cheater and will never learn to love you.

    He is a coke addict as you said, he is probably going to get cancer one day.

    He doesn't have the right to be a husband.

    My Suggestions


  20. WOW!!! How many chances are you willing to give him? You are basically being his security blanket. He knows that no matter how far he roams, you'll always leave the light on for him. What do you deserve? A better life? Someone who doesn't use you. I don't know what your waiting for, but you have a life to live. And you'd be far better off without his drama and B.S. Remember."Fool me once,shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

  21. Why are you asking this, you know the answer before you ever put it in print.  You say you are saving for a divorce, so that tells us what you really think.  In some places you can sue the other woman for alienation of affection, might be worth a couple bucks. I would not date anyone until all was over and done with, but I would be very selective in anyone I dated. We woman tend to go back to the same worthless pieces of sh*t we had the first time. Seen it many times and wonder if we are all so needy for a man we take anything that comes along.  Good Luck and I hope you have a great life when you get rid of this "lovely" creature.  

  22. Continue saving for that divorce.

    Why be with a guy who does not want to be serious and seriously has problems.

    Make sure you have plenty of proof that he is cheating and living outside the home and make sure you get those divorce papers in first.

  23. Keep on saving for that divorce, there's plenty more fish in the ocean, that will treat you and your kids with respect, love and honesty... All the best to you and your children...

  24. It sounds like you're dating my ex.

    Get rid of him and be done with him once and for all or you will be the one who will suffer. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

  25. Don't give him another chance.  Talk is cheap and his actions are contrary to wanting to work things out with you.  I think you are onto something when you say he just wants you waiting at home.  Can't have it both ways, bub!  Move on. :)

  26. Oh my lord why would you think of taking him back, you have pointed out all the negative things about him..

    Just move on don't wait around for him, he wants you to stay at home waiting till he desides he has had enough of the other woman or wants you on the side and he then will say the same thing to the other woman. Please and he has coke addiction, never will you have peace..


  27. and you're considering this?  come on, admit it, you are.  you are considering take this 'excuse of a man' back for the sake of the kids.  think of it this way.  this is the person you want teaching your sons how to be men?  how to treat a woman?  how to be honorable?  if so, take the jerk back.  but if you love your kids and yourself, file for the divorce, move on and make better choices next time.

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