
My husband needs citizenship??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my husband was born in Russia before the fall of the Soviet Union and in order for his family to move to the U.S. they had to forfit their citizenship in Russia. His family never got citizenship when they moved here so now he has citizenship nowhere. Would it be possible for him get citizenship in Russia again & would it be difficult for him to get citizenship in the states since he has been here for over 15 years??




  1. I would say, you really need a lawyer.


    Good-luck to him!

  2. If he's an ethnic Russian then he will be able to get Russian citizenship and a Russian passport easily through the Russian embassy.  If he were to get US citizenship he might, or might not, lose the Russian citizenship.  He should talk to the embassy about that.

  3. He already has citizenship - Russian Citizenship

  4. well anyone can get citizenship after they have lived as a legal resident in the U.S. for 5 years. He should be good to go. Just make sure he practices the Citizenship Test before he does. Because a lot of those questions are pretty hard, even for an American born citizen. good luck.

  5. Is he here illegally?  If so he may have a difficult time gaining citizenship.

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