
My husband pulled my hair hard and is overly controlling, should I leave? and how? ?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry I didn't leave more details. I mean controlling as in I am not allowed to do anything without his permission. He has grabbed me and left brusies in the past. This last time he got mad he broke our wooden bed frame with a baseball bat and pulled my hair hard enough to pull some out. He said he didn't care and could kill me. His anger is becoming worse and he can hardly control it anymore. I have been married now for 2 1/2 years and I know this may sound dumb, but I don't know what to do to leave.




  1. Abuse is one of the hardest things for people to change and *it will* get worst.

    My father worked with abused women, almost all stared the same way - Controlling, name calling, pushing, yanking hair and eventually it leads to slapping and punching or much worse. Abusive relationships easily spiral out control..

    If he is to change, he needs to do it on his own.

    No one has the right to hurt you and it can never be tolerated.

  2. You need to up and leave and do it NOW. There is no excuse for domestic abuse and if it's "just" hair pulling now, in two weeks it might be pulling the knife out.  Gather up the courage to pack up and leave and if you are scared of him, do it when he's not home.  Good luck my dear, you can do it, life will be so much better without that fear in it.  

  3. yes leave him you can do so much better then that don't stay with him it might be hard to pack up and leave but you can do this while he is at work and leave a note that way its easy for you to walk away.

    that's what i did there is no need to live every day of your life walking on egg shells life is going to be so great with out him you will see be strong and move on

  4. I'm a Psychologist, and have seen many cases of domestic abuse. If you are here on Yahoo asking people whether or not you should leave, its probably because you feel scared to make the move. In most cases, an abused woman will never leave her husband, even though she greatly wants to, as she relies on him and feels she has to prove to him that she is in fact a great wife, as if to seek approval. Not only that, but she also has a great fear of her husband. If you feel you are in trouble and cannot get out, you must contact the police to assist you! Otherwise, you will fall back into the same cycle.

  5. Leaving is not always the solution, first try alternatives like sitting down wit him and tell him you feel controlled by him. If he is abusing you physically, yes leave him. No men or women should allow that to happen.

    How to leave him? If you have family close, ask them if you can stay at there place until you get your own. If you don't have family who could help you out, rent your own place.

  6. Yes your should leave DUH!!! apparently when he pulled your hair he pulled out your brains as well. because you should have already been gone rather that getting on the internet to ask this question. What exactly are you thinking? You must be waiting for him to do it again. Oh and as far as how you go about stand in front of the door with your belongings, open the door by turning the k**b, and then you put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the door.

  7. yes you shold leave.... IF he goes to work you shold leave durry that time....get $$....pack up.....leave the police.....or you can stay and see if he will ever hit you agin... but i suggest you leave and PRONTO!

  8. Not enough info here.  But if you're trying to say he's abusive and you're afraid of him, then leave when he's not there.  When he goes to work or to a friends...leave.

  9. You have nothing for us to base anything on.

    I assume you wanted to marry a strong man, and you got one.  

    Did he pull your hair once??  So what???   How is he overly controlling?  Do you have to ask to go to the bathroom or what?????

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