
My husband quit pot and is angry and paranoid most of the time. He is of middle eastern descent and has told?

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me his mother encouraged the use of pot when he was getting angry.

He gets bad nightmares and has started keeping a loaded gun under his pillow! I suspect bipolar issues but I don't know how to help?




  1. Since he has a loaded gun under his pillow and he quit smoking weed and he might be Bi-polar I would get the heck out of Dodge and I am serious. If he were to hurt or kill you his illness would get him off because he did not know what he was doing. He is not on medication.

    Since you suspect he has this illness then he hasn't been diagnosed which means, IF he has it,  and I said IF, he has mood swings, manic and depressive or sometimes both.  His mood can swing from from high to low in a New York minute (less then sixty seconds). If paranoid he can be fearful and hear voices that are not there. All these symptoms and the man has a LOADED gun??

    He's got three strikes against him already. Your life is in danger you need to get away from him permanently and not let him or his mother know where you are. Also, his smoking weed changes a person's personality too. Of cause, it could be something else. He needs a psychiatric evaluation and help but first you get to a safe place then I would call the police and let them know about the loaded gun under his pillow. He could also be suicidal. He can be helped but help yourself first.

  2. Let him smoke, sounds like Harold off of Harold and Kumar.

  3. I am a CCMA

    No it is NOT Bi Polar it is called Paranoid Schizophrenia and you either need to get him some serious medical help or get away from him NOW

  4. omg very much luck to you that doesn't sound good at all could be anything. you have to be really careful and what if he has a nightmere and in his sleep shoots his gun thats horrible to hear. I hope this man is very caring and you can talk to him to get him to get that gun out of your room for safety reasons

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