
My husband says it's nonsense that I wear rubber gloves while using bleach. Is that correct?

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My husband says it's nonsense that I wear rubber gloves while using bleach. Is that correct?




  1. ~~Sorry he is so wrong! Bleach will tear your skin up it's very caustic. Keep those gloves on!!!~~~

  2. No, bleach is horrible for your skin its can eat away skin easily wear rubber gloves its slippery feel is your skin getting eaten away

  3. no, because bleach isn't good for your hands

  4. you should use rubber or latex gloves so ur husband is totally wrong

  5. I say let him test out bleach on his hands. jk, but he is so wrong. I don't wear gloves myself, but I am super careful when handeling it.  

  6. Tell him to either do for you whatever chores you are doing or to mind his own business.  I am lazy on using rubber gloves but always use when using bleach.  If nothing else it stops that awful smell.

  7. Its a good idea to use something like gloves when using bleach. Bleach is a very strong base (think back to chem class) it can have similar effects to an acid and destroy skin if left on for very long.

  8. Your husband is 100% wrong.  Dangerously so.

    Household bleach is sodium hypochlorite.  It is a corrosive oxidizer.  In the concentration found in bleach, it can do mild to severe damage to your skin (depending on how thin or how sensitive your skin is)

    Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia if you don't believe me:

    "Household bleach solutions are typically stabilized by a significant concentration of lye (caustic soda, sodium hydroxide) as part of the manufacturing reaction. Skin contact will produce caustic irritation or burns due to defatting and saponification of skin oils and destruction of tissue. The slippery feel of bleach on skin is due to this process."

    I work with sodium hydroxide on a daily basis.

    Please trust me, the slippery feel is your skin dissolving!!!

  9. I would keep wearing the gloves just to be on the safe-side. I wear rubber gloves for all housework. I mean it's not hurting you at all? What's the downside to wearing protective rubber gloves? If there is a downside, I don't know about it, there are too many upsides for it to matter.

  10. rub your hands through his hair to prove your point and see what his reaction is.

  11. Continue to wear the gloves, your husband is incorrect.  Instructions on the label almost always indicate to wear rubber gloves. If you want a little extra mileage while you have the gloves on, rub on some lotion or even cooking oil before you put them on for a quick beauty treatment.  In the mean time, if hubby doesn't think you need the gloves, invite him to do the cleaning with bleach using his bare hands!

  12. you will find that they do tell you to wear gloves when handling

    bleach It is right on the label along with the warning sign of a bottled with a skeletel hand over it Point that out to your husband However to be honest. I never do. Mind you I always have it diluted in water.I never use rubber gloves in the kitchen or the garden. My hands are not the greatest and I do try to remember to use cream etc but when you are busy doing chores who has time for that stuff!

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