
My husband set up a video camera on the computer to spy on me. What do I do?

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Under the guise of "just charging the laptop" I just noticed that the computer sitting on the window sill in the bedroom has been recording all day long while my husband was out of the house. In other words, he is spying on me. Of course, I have absolutely nothing to hide and I don't think he should have ANY reason to suspect something so what gives?? Upon noticing, my reaction was to walk up to the computer and start talking to it asking it if my husband was crazy. Just in case it isn't recording audio, I went with the "safe option", wrote a little sign that said "Are you psycho?" and held it up, so he would get the point. I am now going to go to the gym and let him come home, review his footage, and reenter the house with cross arms and a "what is wrong with you" foot tap. Any insights? What is his problem? I'm the most loyal woman in the world!




  1. Smash it to pieces! And tell him to BACK off unless hes ready to go to court.

  2. 1. he doesnt trust you and wants to catch you being unfaithful in some way


    2. he wants to catch you undressing or hoping to catch you tending to yourself


    3. hes just a complete jerk and he wants video of you so he can post it on the web

  3. He probably was hoping to see you naked like a pervert . You sure he isn,t a peeping tom looking in windows around the neighborhood

  4. Shoot the finger at the stupid thing. Tell him to get a life.Tell him to just stay home with you all day and night and see if love will pay the bills.  

  5. He has issues. Either he feels insecure about your relationship and needs proof of your loyalty, or he has cheated, wants to catch you in the act of cheating. Why? Guys who have cheated need to be able to say, but you did it first. That makes them feel like its justified.

    Talk to him. Tell him you feel like he has no reason not to trust you, are concerned that he feels the need to spy on you. Maybe he will admit his insecurity, apologize and you can put it past you both. I would not let him tape you naked, having s*x even with him. In this day and age, people can abuse personal data, tapes, alter them, sell them and embarrass people, get them fired, or sued. Tell him that is off the table. But I would do this in a calm manner, not an angry one, you get farther, better results.

  6. wow he is a creeper. But guys are not very smart...he probably didn't even know it was on...haha

  7. maybe he wanted to see you on the bed touching yourself or something he can spank off to later

  8. Maybe he just was hoping to catch you changing / naked :)  I'd love to get some footage of my wife naked so I can watch over and over hehe.

    I wouldn't try to sneak it though. I'd just flat out ask.

    So maybe he's not trying to bust you doing something but an undercover voyeur.

  9. Spying is uncool. But, some people have crazy thoughts at times. Maybe your husband is just a jealous type. Do something funny: take his picture at the front of the camera, kiss it and say: "I love him so much! I wish he was home right now." He will see this and will be ashamed. Trust me.

  10. You can do one of two things....

    1)  get all mad and psycho about it too and get all mad....  OR

    2)  Realize that he's just had a huge brain f**t and have some fun with it.   Do a strip tease for him and see what his reaction is then.

    What does it harm?  I mean, it's not like anyone is getting hurt, and if he is feeling like he needs to check up on you then help him understand why he doesn't need to instead of creating a huge argument.

    I mean, you can blow it up into a huge deal, or you can squash it before it turns into a big mess, but it's up to you.  

  11. Sure, it is a little unsettling to find out he is so devious. If you are as loyal as you say you are, I would have done nothing at all...sometimes knowing what a person is up to is enough for me. I don't need to defend what does not need defending. Good luck bi-aching.

  12. Personally I would have just confronted him when he got home.

    But you know him better then I do.

  13. He may be guilty of cheating and seeing if he can get the goods on you for a defense when you find out!  Hit him with that, she what he thinks two people can play at the lack of trust thing.

  14. He's going to tell you that he didn't know the video camera was on. I guarantee you he is going to play dumb.

    Before I left for the gym, I would change my clothes. Get up close to the camera, turn your back to it, bend over and pull your underwear down. Lol

    When you come home, don't say a word to him. See how long it takes him to say something to you : ) In a couple of days, if he doesn't say anything, then I would ask him how he liked the video he took of you and if it was everything he was hoping for.

  15. He is either insecure or horny

  16. Get one of your close g//f tell her what he is doing and the  two of l***o off and him a great show

  17. there could be many reasons for this you should talk to him about it when you get home

  18. You're handling much better than I would. I would have told him if he can't trust me find someone else.

  19. Start your own adult website, charge for people to watch you and make money.....

  20.   This is skeevy and a huge, hairyass breach of trust.  You shouldn't have to worry about your husband trying to get indecent footage of you without you knowing it.  The key phrase here being "without you knowing it"  If husbands and wives want to make a ton of crazy footage of themselves together or apart or doing stuff to each other or whatever,  no big deal, as long as they both know about it.  I would not be able to trust my husband again if he did something like this to me.

  21. perhaps he was hoping you might do something more fun in the bedroom when he's gone... a little self-loving... :D

  22. Maybe he was just charging the laptop?

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