
My husband shaved my 16 month olds head!?

by  |  earlier

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i came home from work and my husband shaved my 16 month olds head! he looks like a skin head he said he did it because he got a jolly rancher stuck in his hair but he could have cut it out! i have a big family gathering next week and there all going to be taking pictures he told me i have mental problems for crying over this please some one tell me i am normal for being so upset my son doesn't look like a baby anymore he looks like he could have a swasitca tatooed on his head!!




  1. GROW UP!!

    The Child doesn't's you!

  2. u have a right to feel like that its ur babies hair . he shouldnt have done it with out letting u know . he could have called or waited til u got home . its like when mothers save the first lock of hair why do they do that .. i dont think u need to grow up i think its only natural

  3. I think you may just be mentally ill if you are going to freak out like that... good night, it's hair, it grows back and right now it's summer so it probably feels nice...

    And you know something, be THANKFUL your husband actually did something rather than just try to remove the jolly rancher. Some dads would have just left it for mom-it shows he's involved and a real dad, not just the sperm donor.

    You need to THANK HIM and tell him you appreciate him being daddy and appologize for being so controlling about something so trivial-it's HAIR woman!!!

    If you had a daughter and he did it, I'd say yeah, be a little upset, but crying... whoa!

    Add: I'm wondering something... how many day to day, in the moment decisions do you run by him first? Yes, this is a hair cut so it changes his appearance a bit, but seriously-do you call and check in to get hubby's "permission" before you buy your son clothes? What to have for lunch? Etc... and who's to say that the candy wasn't stuck high up enough that he had no other option. I guess he could have tried to give him an actual cut and butchered it since cutting hair and making it look nice is HARD on a toddler...

  4. while i probably wouldnt have been too happy about it either, but it is just hair and hes young its really not a very big deal and u just need to realize that its not it will grow back before you know it

  5. oh no i would of gone mad a friend of mine her little girl got a lolly stuck in her hair her now ex husband shaved it off she looked terrible i don't blame you for going mad.

  6. I would have been very upset!  Men don't understand.  Please tell me that was not his 1st haircut!

  7. YOU defintley have a reason to cry my husband did the same thing to my boy nd i cried

  8. I agrees chill out it's only hair..

  9. I would be upset, but it will grow back.

  10. chiill out, it's hair, it will grow back in the b ig scheme of things, not that big of a deal

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