
My husband snores. I don't sleep. He has tried breathe rights, & sleeping on his side & still snores. ?

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  1. you can always just sleep earlier so when the time he sleeps and starts snoring you'll be deep asleep and you wont know that he is snoring

  2. Use earplugs.

  3. make him sleep on the couch

  4. does he ever stop breathing in his sleep? my dad snored really bad because he stopped breathing for up to 90 seconds and he was snoring because he was struggling for air,this is called sleep acnea.Take him to the sleep center(if you dont know of one bring him to the doctor and they will  suggest one) and there they will request for you to stay at the sleep center overnight for a sleep study to see if he has sleep acnea and if he does they will give you a machine to stop the snoring and help him sleep better too,as long as you can mind the sound of the machine,wich is suprisingly quiet:) hope  this helps


  5. I have caught a commercial a couple times on TV about a device that you wear in your mouth at night THAT STOPS SNORING.  My stepson SNORES HORRIBLY. He's also very very BULLHEADED  and wouldn't even let me finish telling him. Thank GOD  he sleeps in another part of the house when he's here.  When we used to travel I'd get a seperate room for him and his sister AT LEAST A ROOM BETWEEN THEIRS AND OURS. Surely if you SEARCH the net,,you'll see an ad for it. If I remember it was $29.95

  6. Some yrs ago I had the hangy done part removed and it did help for a little. But it is back some call it sleep apney and a good friend of mine has this breathing machine. he has to wear a mask at night so he gets plenty of air then he sleeps and can think much clearer the next day. You have to take asleep test and the insurance picks up a great deal of the cost or at least it did for him but we are both to old retired salts that helps. He could be over weight and if he lost some weight that might help him out. Not sure how much that would be, but in my case I was right  on my weight(not now) I'm 60 over.  

  7. Just put plugs or cotton in ur ears and sleep,or change the bedroom and sleep in another bedroom

  8. After years of suffering and years of sleeping in seperate rooms (yes, I could even hear it from the other room), I finally got a pair of good, construction worker earplugs. now I sllep like a baby, even in the same bed (there is still the vibrations but that dont bother me)

  9. He needs to get an appointment with a Doctor ASAP!

    He has sleep apnea, He will be sent to a sleep disorder study center,

    and most likely will need a CPAP machine to help him with the snoring!

  10. does he have asma ???? if yes thats why

  11. u cauld try a little vix on his pillow or book him in ar ur hospital for a sleep study

  12. Does he ever seem to stop breathing in his sleep and then make a mighty snore afterward to get his breath? Often sleep apnea is associated with bad snoring. Perhaps it would be worthwhile checking into having a sleep study done.

    My husband snored and turned out to have sleep apnea. He didn't want to get checked out because he heard they sometimes do surgery (tonsillectomy, palate reconstruction, etc.) But I finally convinced him to do it, and they tried him on a CPAP machine, which worked really well for him. It does make a noise, but not worse than a fan in the room would be, and he doesn't snore, so we both sleep better.

    Good luck with your husband.  

  13. He needs to go see a ears, Nose , Throat doctor, ENT. I snored and

    had the same problem. I had sinus surgery and Im just wonderful, No

    more snoring. Anyways, that what the wife says, I dont know snore

    anymore, Thats my advice. His nose is clogged. There is probaby stuff up him , That can not come out.

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