
My husband thought Obama's statement about "potato salad and fried chicken" was a bad idea. What do you think?

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First of all, he's asian/white, i'm black. Yesterday, during the Democratic Convention, a senator was being interviewed and a question was raised regarding Barack's "rock star" persona. The senator said that it's not about filling stadiums. He said that there was a recent address made by Barack under pine trees on picnic tables and lawn chairs and he said the first thing Barack said to the crowd of 250 was "Where's the potato salad and fried chicken?"

My husband was shocked. I didn't get it. He said it makes blacks look stereotypical. I said, if a black man can't say the words "fried chicken" without being typcast, what does tha say about the intelligence of the Amreican people? That would be like an Asian being ridiculed for saying Shrimp Fried Rice.

Your thoughts?




  1. you are making me hungry...but this country is don't even know a word for it.

  2. They are standard picnic foods. Also, people in the south ( white, black, purple) eat that too. Who doesnt like some good fried chicken?

    And secondly, why is eating chicken a negative thing????

    "Oh you know those( insert race) people, they tie their shoelaces! THOSE ANIMALS!!"

    EDIT: And why do people FREAKIN forget that he is half FREAKIN white? Grrrr

  3. i SO agree with you.

    edit@ MicahArt- yeah but the whole point is to make anything associated with black people a negative.

    edit: very MichahArt. don't worry. there's hope yet but prob not in our lifetime.

  4. Uh, the man likes potato salad and fried chicken. I don't see why that's a stupid remark if he likes it. I've heard white people say the same thing at picnics. Potato salad is good and people eat it. It's only "stereotypical" if you yourself stereotype. I mean what Barack says about fried chicken has **** to do with the entire black community.

  5. -I agree with you

  6. no, if people thought of it that way then thats there loss. I don't think he had intentions of offending anyone.

  7. no its kool

  8. hehe.

    "If a black man can't say the words "fried chicken" without being typcast..."

    That made my day. Have you seen the Dave Chappelle stand-up where he says "If you don't like chicken and watermelon, something's wrong with you?" I love it.  

  9. I'm kind of with you. To be honest, I've never really understood the Black people / fried chicken connection anyway. I was raised on fried chicken - I'm white.

    Potato salad and fried chicken are standard picnic foods.

    Edit@ SilLy f**t - I know. When are we all just going to stop with the preconceived notions and embrace the fact that we live in a multi-cultural world? It's tiresome, don't you think?

  10. I'm so tired of the fried chicken and watermelon stereotype applied to blacks.  Once and for all everybody eats fried chicken and watermelon...especialy in the south.  

  11. Its not a sterotype blacks do eat fried chicken. That is part of their culture. As well as watermelon and anything sweet. Hence that is the reason they're prone to diabeties. Its no stereotype hun.

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