
My husband took away 10 GBP's from me for throwing the marshmellows at Jessica when she came home.I was upset?

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I was so upset today because the baby has been sick and its been stressful on me and then Jessica came home from the grocery store with all the groceries and she had bought some items and I said I had coupons for them and she said that she knew and she used them. However, it was the coupons that I had cut out myself and she didn't ask me for them but instead just took them and I felt since I cut them out she needed to ask since I did the hard work so I opened the bag of marshmellows and starting throwing them at her and saying she stole the coupons but then my husband came in and grabbed me by arms and told me to calm down and that I he was taking away 10 Good Behavior Points from me. At the time I said I didn't care but now after I have calmed down I am very sorry for everything and want the GBPs back because I was going to 'cash them in' for a trip to the nail salon. I apologized to Jessica and we hugged but whats the best way to apologize to my husband so I can get back my points? I'm really sad about it all now. Thanks for help.




  1. You need GBPs to go to the nail salon? Can't you just ask/ tell your husband your going and go? This whole situation is a little ****** up. What are you... five?

    Also, i'm guessing jessica is your daughter. whether or not you cut the coupons... she did half the work by going out and getting the items. you should have been appreciative from the start. you had no right whatsoever to get angry that she didn't ask for the coupons... it's common sense that if your going to go buy items then you should check to see if there are coupons and take them and go. my mother would have commended me. your behavior is disgusting and you don't deserve forgiveness. you should think hard about why you got mad over such a small, ridiculous thing that was actually GOOD and then get some counseling both about your behavior AND the GBPs.

    But to answer your question... go and apologize honestly and sincerely to your husband. it's the most direct way.  

  2. i don't like your husband. you & jessica should have both started throwing marshmallows at him. actually, maybe rocks would have been better.

    go get your nails done.

  3. Who is Jessica? What the heck are Godd behavior Points anyway? How  are are you that your husband issues you  points? Why are you throwing marshmellows?  I'm confused......

  4. If this is for real, then get help.  Your husband should not be giving you Good Behviour Points.  

  5. If you are a really good dog, uh, wife you will get a cookie!

    And they taste like bacon too!!

    Sorry but your marriage sounds like my version of h**l.

  6. Alrighty, then. Sounds to me that if you, your husband and Jessica (whoever she may be) were each given catscans all three of your brains would look like bowel movements. Get real.

  7. HAHAHA!  Good Behavior Points?  This is a really long joke, right?  There's no way this is serious.

  8. This has got to be a joke.  You sound like you are about 10 years old.  I sure hope the baby you talked about isn't yours, because you sound way too immature to be raising a child.  Grow up.

  9. I think that you acted in a quite immature way toward Jessica and provided a bad example. Throwing food is an absolute no-no in our home and would lead to immediate discipline. You have been lucky to get off with the loss of 10 GBPs. Apologize to yur husband and thank him for being lenient on you, or hand him the hairbrush.  

  10. GBP's from ur husband? Are you kidding me?!!

  11. so tell us, did you steal your daddy/husband from his real wife and their family? you were mature enough back then weren't you

  12. ummmm oooook

  13. Great s*x.

  14. How old are you? Apparently old enough to be married, so an adult. Then your husband has no right to be issuing you anything like good behavior points. That's ridiculous. Who is Jessica? Your daughter? And why are you throwing marshmellows at her, because you think she stole from you? I'm just not sure what this crazy scenario is about, but the GBP's bother me, your husband is just that, your husband, not your father. Go get your nails done. But I would leave the marshmellow throwing to the kiddies. :)

  15. ha ha..This is fun..It cracked me up...

  16. I don't know, but if this isnt a joke i gotta say your husband is a freaking genius if he's managed to create a system like what your talking about, and actually got you following it, and believing it is a good thing.  

  17. GBP?   Does HE get a point system too?  Wow, and who is Jessica? I feel like he is treating you like a child.  Marshmallow throwing?  My son and his teenage friends do that for fun.  What's really going on here?

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