
My husband want to divorce me ?

by  |  earlier

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but I love him a lot and I don't know what to do, how to behave, besides, I don't know the laws of USA as I am an immigrant. As i understood, if I agree, it will take us a day to get divorced and he want me to return to my country in the next few days.




  1. Sweetheart....I do believe that since you and him are married (as long as he is a United States Citizen), then you do not have to leave the U.S. if you don't want to because now, you ARE legally a Citizen here. And a divorce file takes longer than 1 takes like 6months-1year

    Here...see if this will help you. I really hope so.

    It has everything that you need to know

  2. Being an immigrant is not an excuse to not to know the laws of the land. If he divorces you he can't force to send you back.  

  3. If you do not understand the laws here in the USA I am here to tell you there are fair and usually favor the women. Look in your yellow pages telephone directory under divorce attorney and call one and set up an appointment for a FREE counsulation. They can advise you what your rights are. Your husband is lying to you as it never ever takes a day to get a divorce. In fact it first takes time for divorce papers to be filed and even after they are filed and the divorce is granted it is not final until 6 months after. You need to educate yourself on the divorce laws or your husband wlll get away with basically robbing you of your marital rights. Good luck to you!

  4. Are you here illegal? If you divorce him, then what you do after that divorce is up to you and up to the courts. I don't know if you will stay a citizen but if you can, then what you do after the divorce is none of his business.

  5. He can't make you leave and chances are you will qualify for permanent residency.

    He's trying to bully you, don't fall for it. There are plenty of non-profit organizations that can help you.

  6. IF he wants a divorce he will get one, but it takes more than 1 day.  Depending on your state, there is a waiting period of 6 months to a year before he can file for divorce, during this time you must be separated.  Why not ask him to clarify for you what he wants from you?  Could there be someone else?

  7. Sorry!  You don't have a marriage anymore, just a piece of paper per your selfish husband.  Why waste your time on someone who doesn't love you anymore, it's his lost.  Plus!  He can't make you leave the country, how long have you been here?  I would check into it you may be able to stay here in the USA.  Good luck to yo and you'll fine someone even better for you. :  )

  8. i dont' understand the questions, but i'm very sorry that you are both dealing with this.

  9. The only thing to tell you is if he want's a divorce he will be granted one. You need to hold your head up and dont let him get the best of you, Iam sure that he is making your life a living h**l and he is enjoying that. Your letting him have to much power, so take it back and get on the phone and start finding out what rights you do have and then move on....good luck...:)

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