
My husband wants me to start injecting micronutrients in myself with syringes!! I am scared!!?

by  |  earlier

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He ordered some kind of bacteriostatic water and some syringes and some vitamins and minerals that he wants me to start injecting myself with b/c he says it will make me feel better. This is because I told him weeks ago that a lot of stuff upsets my stomach when I take them. He says this will make me more healthy but I don't know...I'm scared and don't even know if its legal for me to do b/c i am not a nurse. He is saying he is tired of me being a brat sometimes and he thinks it is some kind of vitamin deficiency but I am rarely a brat, just only here and there isolated instances. What should I do???




  1. are u sure he's not the one who needs to get injections?

  2. You know what you should do? tell him you go first and then after he does it tell him what an idiot he is for even thinking you would do something so assinine without your Dr. knowing it and besides you don't know what you're injecting yourself with can he really be trusted?????

  3. NO, simple and easy.  If he gets demanding rethink your relationship with this guy

  4. If there's stuff that upsets your stomach when you take it, don't take it. And please, please don't let him inject you with something just cause he says so.   You NEED to see a doctor if you are SICK!

  5. Please NEVER do anything that you are uncomfortable doing.  No matter who it is who's telling you to do so!

  6. he wants you to wha...?

    No.  Don't do it.  If you think you have a problem go to a clinic.  Better yet, bring the syringes to the clinic and tell them what your husband told you.  You'll get the straight truth then.

  7. He should have asked you before acquiring it. Don't do it. Who knows what it really is. Besides every one is a brat from time to time. What does he want a zombie? I would be concerned about staying married to him. He seems a bit strange.

  8. Don't do this.  What you describe might be a form of abuse if he is brow beating you or manipulating you into harming your body when you shouldn't be.  He may be injecting you with micronutrients, or he may be drugging you.  This is a terrible, awful abusive thing to do.  Please protect yourself and don't do it.

  9. Don't do it, please. I don't know whether you really are a brat sometimes, but if your are there are other ways for your husband to deal with that rather than having you inject stuff. If you need additional vitamins and minerals you can ingest those through pills (or better yet, vegetables and fruit). If you act like a brat you deserve to be treated as such, but that's not a disease!

  10. Tell your husband that if he is willing to go to your doctor with you and make a case for this 'treatment', you'll be more than willing to give it a try in the doctor's office under medical supervision. You aren't diabetic and he could easily be allowing you to become contaminated with something that could kill you! the bacteriostatic water and needles could be brought to the police station and they'd probably send the stuff to a lab to find out how safe it was - and that would risk sending your husband to jail. That's how outrageous it is that he would ask you to do this. Either run away from him because he's dangerous or make him speak face to face with police or doctors about this crazy plan!

  11. Don't do it. It sounds too strange. Maybe you need a divorce.

  12. Tell hubby that you are not injecting anything into your body. And if he has any future plans of injecting himself into you, then he better quit with this idea.

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