
My husband wants me to talk dirty to him and i feel embarassed. PLEASE HELP!! serious answers please?

by  |  earlier

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i have no problems in the bed room it is just when he is away on business and he calls home for adult talk i freeze up. like stage fright this is new to me (the phone thing) so any help would be so appreciated. i am glad he is calling home instead of finding someone but i worry if i dont get over this thing he might eventually stray.




  1. Usually, once you're really turned on, your inhibitions go down.  So, with one of my past girlfriends who had a similar issue, she would always make sure she got herself worked up before we got on the phone, so that by the time we were talking the lust was already there and she was more likely to just go with it.

  2. you can make him understand that u dont like these things on phon or u feel uncomfortable to do this on phon, n when he come back at home try to do what he likes.

  3. he's probably stuck in a motel watching the p**n channel, he's all worked up and  doesn't know how to handle it. get him to change jobs, he's being tempted

  4. Are you talking about phone s*x?

  5. So does mine.  I was so naive when I first got married, I talked about road kill.....  

    Ask him what he wants to hear and close your eyes, take a deep breath and fantasize while you are talking to him.

    Married 19 years.

  6. talking dirty is just a matter of using words instead of actions, the more detailed you are the better it will become, and to know that when he is away he wants to fantasize about you is great!!! so to start, just walk him through what you consider foreplay leading up to the act of the s*x itself and then let him take over from there and ask questions. "are we in a romantic candle lit room" ya know. i could give you some examples if you want. just remember to relax and well tell him your fantasies, what you want him to do to you and where. it does not have to be S****y of sleazy because well that's your man! lol be sure to include detail like what you are wearing. just like a good book remember lots of details.

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