
My husband wants to adopt my son from the previous marriage. Is anyone knows how to start adoption process? ?

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My husband wants to adopt my son from the previous marriage. Is anyone knows how to start adoption process? ?




  1. Get in touch with a solicitor that specialises in family law. Contact your local council/social work department, and they can put you in the right direction.

  2. OK - think very carefully before you do this. The process means that you, as his mother, have to give your son up for adoption. You and your husband, as a couple, then adopt your son. He then as an adopted birth certificate.

    I nearly went through this process with my (now-ex husband). In the end I did not like the idea of giving my son up for adoption, for whatever reason.

    Unless the sytem has changed, I think you should consider whether or not the benfits outweigh the stress. Will it really make any difference to the relationship between your husband and your son? It's just a piece of paper, one that says he is adopted by both of you, not just your husband.

    If the system has changed or if you do not live in the uk and your system is different then I apologise and good luck!

  3. How does your ex-husband (your son's father) feel about this?  He first has to consent, and give up his parental rights.

    Also, this will most likely cause your son's original birth certificate, the one with his true and biological father's name on it, to be sealed and forever denied access to him, and a new, altered one will be issued with your new husband's name on it, as if he were the "birth" father.  (Unless you live in one of the 4 states that do not seal birth certificates).  

    Just letting you know, in case it matters to you that your son have his own original birth documents.  So if you do this, you might want to get a copy of the original before you do, and keep it for him, in case he wants it someday.

  4. A few answers are from people in the USA, your laws are COMPLETELY different than the UK so why are you confusing the woman, she DOES have to adopt her son aswell, get your facts right before you answer the question!!!

    Hi we are in the process of this at the minute and will hopefully be finalised Oct/Nov

    Contact your nearest High Court and ask to speak to the Adoption Officer, ask him/her to send you out Step-parent Adoption Forms.  Once the forms arrive out contact Social Services and ask to be put through to whoever deals with adoptions, explain your situation and ask them to arrange to call out with you and help fill in the forms etc.  Your child then becomes a 'Protected Child' of the courts and he is no longer 'yours' he belongs to the courts and believe it or not you will also have to adopt him aswell as your husband (this stupid legislation is changing next year) you will be on his new Birth Certificate as his adoptive mummy!!!  The adoption costs £80, you DO NOT need a solicitor we didn't, they are far too expensive and your social worker is able to do all the work for you.

    Is your ex consenting to this adoption, if not it its up to a judge to decide whether or not its in your childs best interests for his biological fathers rights to be taken away from him, if he is consenting its really straight forward and will take approx 12 weeks to complete.

    The forms can be a wee bit complicated so make sure you get social services to help you with these, they have filled in thousands so will have them done in no time

    You will also need, your long marriage certificate, ur and ur partners long birth certificates and your son's long birth certificate, a few copies and originals are needed for the courts

    Good luck, I hope it all goes smoothly for you (it hasn't for us, my shithe@d of an ex is contesting even though he hasn't bothered his @rse with my son for almost 5 years)

  5. I am going thru this right now...

    you need to find a lawyer, and they will get paper work ready for you to have the biological father to sign, stating that he is giving up his rights. if he willingly does this the process should be a breeze. if not then the process is going to take sometime with proving that the child would be better off adopted by your current husband.  once the father signs this paper, he is pretty much done with the process. your husband will have to have a complete background check done, thru the state and the county. once this is done then you have to wait for the court date for the adoption. this could take several weeks.   the lawyer is really the one who will milk out the process, if you are persistant on getting the paperwork done and your childs father is willing to give up his rights it should go very smoothly. i would also say that even before you find a lawyer maybe go have your husband start the background checks because that takes a few weeks itself. that way its already in the works.  good luck to you! its great to find a man wanting to take on a child from a previous relationship! we need more of them out there! =]

    OH! and you do not give your child up for adoption as one person stated. the birth certificate is changed, and where your located i dont know, but i do believe its sealed. if that is a major concerned, make a copy of the original certificate, and keep it. you will resign a birth certificate but that does not mean at all that you are adopting your child out, and re- adopting like stated before??? (that is the strangest thing i have heard!!)   good luck!


  6. go to this site

  7. You could start by calling your local DHHR(Department of Health and Human Resources)

  8. A friend of mine did this, they consulted a lawyer who assisted them through the process.

  9. find a lawyer who specializes in adoption. he can help you more then any of us can.

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