
My husband wants to join the Air Force...quick question...?

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My husband is wanting to join the Air Force and is going on Monday to start the paperwork. Well, while he was on the phone setting up the appointment, the recruiter told him that starting September 1st of this year, they are starting to have to check your credit and that could be a conflict in enrolling if you have bad credit. We don't have really good credit due to his information being stolen a couple of years ago, but he has a high GPA, has 1 and a half years of college, and scored well on his ASVAB. He wants to go in to work in the medical field. Does anyone know how much the bad credit is really going to hinder his chances of being in the military?




  1. Explain to them why the credit is bad, which is due to identity theft that is of no fault of you or him. If you can get proof of this and that you manage money well when you are in control, you will be fine. Nothing you can do when someone screws you over and steals your idendity.

  2. the AF does check credit for ALL married personnel.  yes, it can prevent him from being allowed to enlist.    Junior enlisted pay is NOT designed to support a family.  

  3. Get your bank to clear up the stolen credit info and provide that to the Recruiting Commitee.

    Worth a shot

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