
My husband was adopted when he was 10?

by  |  earlier

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he was from Mexico so through the adoption he got hes citizenship if he would want to change hes last name back to hes birthfather's last name would the citizenship n recidency be taken away as well?




  1. No, but he should check with a lawyer to be sure that his papers are properly updated with the new name.

  2. He will keep his citizenship after the name change.

    Why would he want to be so disrespectful to his adoptive parents though?

  3. No , they wont take his citizenship away. Besides when you become a citizen you are allowed to change your name to what ever you want . So , it should matter wheather he changes it now,

  4. You husband sounds s**y mind giving me a try.

  5. no, he can legally change his name

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